Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A perfect woman's body? The time they are a-changin'...


Hagen Schumacher, a leading consultant plastic surgeon at Adore Life, and Andre Fournier, the co-founder of cosmetic devices company Deleo, revealed how the ideal body standard has changed over the last 100 years. 
They predicted that 2022 will see the return of more 'natural' beauty, however one where nutrition and exercise are both considered as beneficial to a healthy and attractive body. 




  1. I'll stick with Raquel. The others are just pretenders. The first must have used ten yards of rope and a winch to pull in her waist, Twiggy looks anorexic and the last one looks like the back end of a cart horse.

  2. yup, Raquel hands down and any day of the week. forget the others, the last one is a sad joke.

  3. I don't care as long as teh tiddies show.

  4. That one picture of her is amazing....

  5. I like the Twiggy version, but as a redhead.

  6. I think the ideal of beauty runs in cycles, for no other reason than to keep women hating their bodies forever and to feed billions to the fashion market. Sure, Twiggy was a bag of bones (most guys back then liked Joey Heatherton better anyway) but she wasn't that different from the no-curves flappers of the 1920s. And is the 1890s Gibson Girl shape really all that different from today's Kardashian?

    The 50s gave us soft squishy women, which were probably appealing to the underfed survivors of the Depression and WWII.

    But what we've never had before is the aesthetically fit women we have now. I'm not talking about the 'roided out gruesome gorilla girls of pro-lifting, I mean the ones with the bikini bridge, the perfect but not quite ripped abs, the "500 squats a day" tight round perky butts, the strong but not massive legs and arms. I find them very appealing, but sadly most are 1/3 my age.

    1. Yes, and they think "Older Men" are their age + 5 years.

      And yes also to feeding the fashion industry. I like things as they are now, but I'm dreading the swing back to emphasis on their legs, as I know I won't live long enough to see the cycling back to boobs.


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