Thursday, January 6, 2022

I don't normally wish ill on people...

Okay - we all know that's bullshit. Who WOULD I want a meteor to fall on? How about this fuckin' Murphy guy up in NJ. 
He's a complete fuckin' power-hungry jerkoff...

The Murphy Administration’s latest guidance urging schools to exclude unvaccinated children from extracurricular activities is drawing fire from many quarters including pockets of resistance in the state legislature.
“Taking away school sports and extracurricular activities from children who are Covid negative and have already sacrificed so much these past two years is harmful, irresponsible and completely misguided,” said Assemblyman Chris DePhillips (R-40). 
“It is very clear that Governor Murphy and the state Health Department believe strong-arming parents into vaccinating healthy children so they can fully experience school by participating in sports and extracurricular activities is going to somehow make a meaningful dent in the number of Covid-19 cases; however, state data demonstrates that fully vaccinated individuals are still catching and transmitting the virus.”


  1. I wanna know who died and left these delusional idiots in charge of citizens personal healthcare and/or not-a-vax decision? Woodshed time for all of them.

    1. They don't know where the line between leadership and demagogy is...


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