Thursday, January 6, 2022

How's your 'GAF' meter working these days?


If you don't have one by now, we all 
gotta start worryin' aboutcha, Bud.
Here's why ya need one:

On the one-to-ten scale, this kinda announcement doesn't even move the needle. Who honestly gives a flying rat's ass fuck about these kinda shows anyway?
I sure as fuck don't and if you do, well, 
we just can't be friends anymore. Go away...


  1. I'm with you Joe, piss on these ratsass cocksuckers. Fuckem, schwack em.

  2. Several years ago, the late Tim Wilson referred to these as "Hand Me a Trophy Awards."


Wanna feel better about yourself?

Here's some random acts of kindness you can do today Call a friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while Send a letter to a family memb...