Monday, January 31, 2022

Advice from the head of the Roman Catholic Church?

So says the leader of the largest tax-free 
enterprise' on the face of the Earth... 

Always be wary of the people who seek to lecture you...

Pope Francis met with a delegation from Italy’s internal revenue service Monday, praising them for their work and holding up taxation as a necessary tool for redistribution.
Modern tax collectors are often looked upon with suspicion just as they were in the times of Jesus, the pontiff said, but they provide an essential service to the common good by redistributing wealth.
“A certain culture of suspicion can unfortunately extend to those who enforce the laws,” Francis said. “Yet this is a fundamental task, because legality protects everyone and is a guarantee of equality.”
“Laws make it possible to maintain a principle of fairness where the logic of interests generates inequalities,” he added. “Legality in the fiscal area is a way to balance social relations, removing forces from corruption, injustice, and inequality.”
“But this requires some education and cultural change,” the pope continued. “As is often said, people often see the tax system as a ‘reaching its hands into their pockets.’”
In reality, he declared, “Taxation is a sign of legality and justice. It must promote the redistribution of wealth, protecting the dignity of the poor and the least, who always risk being crushed by the powerful.”

(For the record, I am not bashing the church and whatever good it may do 
in the Lord's name. I'm only commenting on his comments)


  1. At no time in history were the institutions of government or taxation ever created for the wealth redistribution that they are talking about. The net effect of demanding tribute often led to the rulers getting richer, but the stated and usual function was to pay for the public services and the defense of the country. The exceptions weren't governments, but conquerors and their slaves. Many of our politicians, especially the left, have gotten a taste of that power and want more. They aren't happy with just laundering taxes into political slush funds, and now want to openly buy power by legalizing slavery and the ability to fund or punish groups at whim. The fact that the guy disgracing the Seat of Peter has bought into the same is an abomination. It makes the Renaissance Popes seem milder, as they were products of their age. This one has history of man rising out of darkness and living under freedom - yet pisses on it.

    1. Wow - VERY well done my friend. Don't stay anonymous if you're gonna contribute on that level. Thanks!

  2. The Catholic Church is the single wealthiest entity in the world that isn't a country, supported by some of the poorest countries in the world.....which is exactly why I left that religious hypocrisy....throw in the fact that "The Godfather" was based on the Borgia family that once ruled the Vatican....Coincidence?....I think not....


Telling the post to shut his piehole? Damn, I wish I coulda done that...

  The full article is here .