Saturday, January 1, 2022

A lesson or two to learn in the new year...

It's finally here. 2022. And it has great promise. Don't do anything to fuck it up, okay?



I honest to god never thought about making it alive 
until 2022. Never even entered my mind. Am I the only 
one who never figured on making it this far?




Remember when you laughed at that geeky science dork in school? Well, he's an engineer now, and he's doing great things... 

He recently designed and built the 'Heineken BOT', 
for Beer Outdoor Transporter. It also knows how to 
ask if someone is thirsty and seems able to not stupidly 
fall into the pool. Moral of the story?
 Leave the geeks alone, hammerhead...


"He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.”-William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway)



Juss' a wee bit of Jamie to ring in the new year...

Why not take a minute and look at the
 jewelry my wife makes? It's not
 expensive and each piece is unique.

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry
 available on Etsy. Click on the picture for more info.
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 

If you missed this yesterday - it's 2021 in a GIF...


 "Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?"- Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner)

Honest to god, you don't wanna know the numbers involved...









My list of places to visit in the New Year...

Need a simple gift idea for 
a special lady in your life?
Click on the picture for more information 
on this stunning bracelet my wife made.





  1. I still like the DARK haired GIRL in the orangish bathing suit. This girl looks to defeatist looking. The orange girl looks like WELL PHUCK...WGAF?......IMO

  2. #6....Someone tell Luckovich that the US is not a democracy. We're a Constitutional Republic.

  3. 2022 is the year "Soylent Green" takes place.
    On the other hand we don't have hover boards or flying cars but we do have 1984.

    We're still alive, let's make the best of it! Happy new year!!


I'm not here, but Calvin is...