Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Who's the biggest idiot mayor in the country? That contest is over, buddy...


Hands down, no-bout-adout-it, biggest fuck-up mayor in history, deBlazio continues to thrill and amaze...

Mayor Bill de Blasio sprang a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on all private businesses in New York City on Monday — drawing immediate rebuke from trade groups, New York office workers and some fellow elected officials who said the backbone of the Big Apple was “blindsided” by the stunning and ridiculous move.
De Blasio, whose mayoralty thankfully comes to an end at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, labeled making vaccines compulsory for private businesses a “pre-emptive strike” against an expected surge in COVID infections this winter amid the emergence of the Omicron variant.


  1. They elected a communist. He's giving them what they voted for good and hard. It is wonderful to watch him flush New York City down the toilet.

  2. 33,000 New Yorkers have moved here to Florida in the last year.....that's fine.....leave your fucking politics in New York....and never, ever let the words "We did it this way up north...." come from your mouth....we don't care....we like the way we do things here just fine, thank you....

    1. truth be told, if any of 'em could bake some decent bread...


A great addition to the Senate...

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced this morning he's appointing Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody as the next U.S. senator from Florida on ...