Wednesday, December 8, 2021

If you do only one thing today, do it well.

You may not ever get a chance to do that one thing again... 

Look like it could be an album cover, doesn't it?



That laughing they did hear must have been the flies on the wall 
busting out when Biden threatened Putin. Juss' sayin'...


Steven Speilberg, without question one of the greatest movie-makers of our time, has produced and directed a remake of West Side Story, the original of which may well be one of the best movie musicals of my lifetime. 
Why the fuck do people do stupid shit like this? Has the newest of generations not seen the original? It's certainly  not so dated that it's irrelevant, that's for sure. It saddens me that a director as brilliant and talented as he would waste what little time he has left in his life on a project so worthless as this. It can not possibly improve on the original - I don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks about this.




 Christmas isn't too far off guys. Don't wait...
Women especially love gifts of jewelry like this... 

Click on the picture for information on this item. 

I'm not working with Amazon anymore unfortunately, but they are certainly some 
smart fuckers in other regards - like this...
Say goodbye to the old 'Help me I've fallen and I can't get up' TV commercials. This is just very smart product adaptation on their part. Amazon today announced the official launch of the Alexa Together subscription service, aimed at families caring for elderly members who are still living independently but need extra support. The feature, first introduced at the company’s fall 2021 event, expands on Amazon’s existing product Alexa Care Hub and packages it as a $19.99 per month or $199 per year subscription service.
Alexa Care Hub was the company’s first attempt at turning Alexa devices in the home into a tool for caring for aging family members. That service included a set of features that would allow family members to keep an eye on older parents and other loved ones — with their permission — and could be altered to certain activities, like if the family member had called out for help, for example.
Alexa Together expands on the Care Hub feature set to combine access to an emergency helpline, fall detection response features, a remote assist option that allows family members to manage settings on the elderly person’s device and an activity feed for family members that notifies them when their loved one is active — engaging with Alexa or other smart home devices, or notified when there’s been a lag in that usual activity.

David Martin of Forked River, NJ showing off his Christmas lights to do the delight of most of his neighbors. That is friggin' brilliant. The airplanes flying out of Atlantic City airport can probably see this clear as a bell...



You had one job. ONE job - that's all...
All you had to do was put the coupons on the 
boxes of PickMeUps. That's all you hadda do...



China has condemned a planned US diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing and threatened to retaliate.
Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said China would take "resolute counter-measures" but did not give further details. On Monday, the US said it would not send diplomats to Beijing over concerns about China's human rights record.
It added that US athletes could go and would have full government support. At a media briefing on Tuesday, Mr Zhao accused the US of violating "political neutrality in sport" and said the proposed boycott was "based on lies and rumors".


You know women love gifts of jewelry like this...   

What are you waiting for - Christmas is coming...
Click on the picture for information on this item.


Ya gotta wonder if all these mambypamby pussyhat-wearin' millennial jerkoffs can relate in any way to how fuckin' absolutely cool the cars were when we were kids. My Uncle Mondo had a car exactly like this. - 
WITH the big-ass friggin' whitewalls.


The Kellogg Company announced Tuesday that a majority of its U.S. workers have voted against a proposed five-year contract, and that the company would hire permanent replacements for the employees who went on strike more than two months ago. Temporary employees have been working at the company's cereal plants in Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.
"After 19 negotiation sessions in 2021, and still no deal reached, we will continue to focus on moving forward to operate our business," Kellogg North America president Chris Hood said in a statement.
Hood said the company had no choice but to continue executing the next phase of its "contingency plan" - hiring replacement employees.



You can click on this banner to see what she has to offer.



  1. The autos of yesteryear were stylish and very fashion-forward but they weren't very safe in a crash, I wish automakers would go back to that style (not just retro-styling, but for real) with modern safety equipment like airbags, crumple zones, padded dashboards, etc. I know you CAN buy conversions, but they're way too expensive for the privilege of driving a car with those looks.

  2. I'm actually looking forward to Spielberg's version of West Side Story. Hopefully it bombs and it sucks and that's how people will remember an otherwise stellar career. I can already guess because of Spielberg being so "woke" now that it will be packed up with every freak and fairy that Hollywood has to offer, that is if he hires them before they become members of Biden's cabinet

    1. Shoulda left it the fuck alone. Juss' sayin'...


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...