Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I changed my mind about watching football. Women players? Hell yeah...

 I had never heard of Legends or Lingerie Football. Now I can never watch 
another game the same way again... 
I admit it - when it comes to sports other than baseball, 
I must live in a cave or something.








Have a little angel at home that you love?
 Give her wings...   
What are you waiting for - Christmas is coming...
Click on the picture for information on this item.










 Christmas isn't too far off guys. Don't put it off...
Women especially love gifts of jewelry like this... 

Click on the picture for information on this item. 







  1. But unlike Super Bowl half time shows, they never seem to have any significant "wardrobe malfunctions!"

  2. They need to play like we used to in high school: Shirts vs. Skins...


Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?