Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Good news - you're not as dumb as you think after all...

After all, it's not not that hard to understand. It's not like it's rocket surgery or anything difficult... 

The legendary brains of doctors, scientists and engineers are no different than those of any other lowly profession - they just do the work. A study of nearly 400 scientific and medical professionals has revealed that stereotyped smartypants - i.e. brain surgeons and rocket scientists - possess no upper hand when it comes to the skills needed to succeed in logical mathematical professions.
“It is not that they are better at everything — but they are better at certain things that make them good at what they do,” said study author Aswin Chari.
It is important to note, however, that politicians were specifically omitted from the study. The study's authors did not want to skew the final test results so dramatically lower...




This is how I know it's almost Christmas...

This was on TV on three different channels yesterday.

I thought him and Hannity were buds... O'Reilly accused his previous channel of being timid and afraid of rigorous debate. He also condemned the hosts - Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Brian Kilmeade - who sent texts to Donald Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows on January 6 during the Capitol riot, saying that journalistically he did not think it was wise to get involved. 
O'Reilly said he was 'disgusted by the Capitol riot', and was dismayed that Fox executives did not make their presenters condemn the insurrection in more forceful terms.

Fuck 'em. We're way cooler they'll ever be.

Don't be a fuckin' Bozo, Joey - finish yer cereal...



What woman wouldn't love and appreciate 
a gift something as nice as this?
What are you waiting for - Christmas is in 10 days!
Click on the picture for information on this item.

Being a Flight Engineer
 aboard B-29 Superfortress (shown here at his instrument panel) was no easy task. That's what my Uncle Gus (Just so ya know, his full name was Augusto DeFranza) did during the war...


And even then these hateful scumbags'll probably wanna dig him up and drag him through the muck some more. How do these motherfuckers live with themselves? Don't they know we all know it's bullshit? I imagine they don't a flyin' fuck what we think...


L.A.P.D working hard..... Yeah - that Venice Beach post is a bitch. Catch 
that both of these dudes are rockin' the same old school Nikes...


I think I got my first one in 1960 when I was 7. 
That was a BIG deal for me. 

Simpson invested $5 million in a personal pension. He also receives money from pensions through the Screen Actors Guild and NFL, which pays somewhere between $1,700 and $25,000 a month. When the accounts are combined, it adds up to about $300,000 a year for the former football star.
All in all, current estimates of Simpson's net worth range is in excess of $3 million, not including his pension and other benefits packages.


 How about a nice little stocking stuffer for 
the honey? There's still time if you act fast...
 Click on the picture for information on this item. 

Still one of the most fascinating and frightening photos ever seen. Bikini Atoll nuclear test, 1946 (Colorized)

Because that's just about the only time we ever hear from this guy. I wonder WTF he does the rest of his term accept bitch about Cuba.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on Tuesday blasted President Joe Biden in a press release and letter for “appeasement” and signaling “weakness” to China during his recent “Summit for Democracy.”
In the letter, Rubio demanded to know why the Biden Administration “downgraded” Taiwan’s representation at the December 10 summit and then cut a video feed of Taiwanese Minister Audrey Tang after her livestreamed remarks showed a map that suggested Taiwan was not part of China, contrary to China’s position.

The guy aces his move. It's the girl that fuxup...

Yeah. Imagine finding her under your tree. 
Yer brain would explode. Juss' sayin'...


 It's getting close to crunch time for gift buying, guys...
There's still time to get her  something really special...
 Click on the picture for information on this item. 





  1. If I found Nikki under my tree it wouldn't just be my brain that would be exploding......if you get my drift!

  2. Regarding that SuperFort FE: It's not all knobs, switches, mixture, prop and throttle.

    During my P-3 aircrewman days, I used to say that the FE was a high-school dropout monitoring two college graduates.


They're getting thrown out?