Friday, October 29, 2021

When the dust settles, how much of what they're trying to do to us will be reversible?

 Ya know what they say - 'once 
the cat's outta the bag'... 
That's one saying I've never quite understood, seein's how cats
 will always go back in the bag if you just throw it on the floor
 in front of them. Juss' sayin'...



Just one more person decides to follow the blog and I'll be sending someone a C-note. I've done it 
before and I'll do it again when we reach 500 followers. For now, I'm gonna havta change 
the copy on all these cute banners I have. Fuck.




This is one charity that I whole-heartedly 
donate to and support whenever I can. They do 
spectacular work. If you've never looked in 
to them, do yourself a favor:

For the first time ever, you can purchase apparel, headwear,
novelties and even limited edition items from the OFFICIAL
Tunnel to Towers Online Store! Celebrate the launch with
a purchase and support our nation's greatest heroes!


“You’re from Joisey? Is that how you say it? Joisey?”
“No, that’s how you said it.”
- Chris Christie, Newark, N.J.

Dutch Schultz was shot on October 23, 1935, while he was at the Palace Chop House restaurant at 12 East Park Street in Newark, along with Otto Berman, his accountant; Abe Landau, his new chief lieutenant; and his personal bodyguard, Bernard "Lulu" Rosenkrantz.  
The machine gunners who mowed down Dutch Schultz and three aids in this Newark restaurant, turned their weapons on the Bronx racketeer as he emerged from door at far end of bar where police are congregated (photo).  Berman died first, followed by Landau, then Schultz.  Rosenkrantz was the last to die, 29 hours after the shooting.
Murder Inc. hitmen, Mendy Weiss and Charles Workman, carried out the hit with Seymour Schechter waiting in the car as their driver.  Under orders, Schechter drove away with Weiss, leaving Workman at the scene to make sure the job was completed.  Workman, unhappy with being left behind, filed a grievance with Murder Inc. against Weiss and Schechter.  The grievance was upheld and Schechter was killed by Murder Inc.  
In 1944, Weiss was executed in the electric chair for another murder.  Workman was caught, tried for the murder and spent 23 years in jail.  Upon release he went "straight" and got a job as a salesman in the garment district.  He died in 1979

That was an absolute embarrassment
 last week. Amazing how the MSM didn't
 cover his incredibly bad performance.

It's never too early to start thinking about 
Christmas gifts, and with all the supply side problems, 
maybe now is the best time. 

Hand Beaded Black And White Wide Cuff Bracelet With
 Swarovski Crystals and Tiny Seed Bead Accents
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
The jewelry my wife makes would be a perfect gift.
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:


Yeah - so I guess I'll see you all in hell, then, huh?

It's tragic that anyone would even havta ask 
a question like that, but the truth is, 
there's some pretty stupid muthafuckers out there.

My kinda neighbors...


“Isn’t your entire state a dump?”
“No, we just tell people that so they won’t 
come here and drive too slow in the left lane.”
-Joe Jonas, Wyckoff, N.J.

It doesn't matter who does the poll, they're barely - if ever - correct, yet they still do 'em. Ever wonder why? I couldn't give a shit about any poll anytime anywhere about anything. I just think they're a waste of time. Juss' sayin'...

I remember seeing boxes of this shit 
in the basement when I was a kid.
 That's some seriously crazy shit...

That's just great street art, isn't it?

Really - if he was gonna be charged with anything, how about 
manslaughter for all the fuckin' people he killed in 
nursing homes, the arrogant, pompous fuck...

How come I can't never get 
my wife to pose like that?
(Asking for a friend...)

The woman hasn't been born yet who
 doesn't like gifts of nice jewelry.
As it happens, I know someone who makes that kinda stuff.
I call her 'Honey'. Sometimes...

Purple Eggplant Hand Beaded Bracelet With Silver Seed 
Bead Edging And Silver Heart Button Clasp
Click on the picture for information on this item.

Thank god my parents never got into that silliness. We DID
 do the pumpkin carving silliness, but that was about it. In
 those days you could put the Jack'o'lantern out on the porch
 with a candle inside it and  nobody'd fuck with it.
 Nowadays? Fuck that. Some jerkoff kid'll do something
 stupid and burn yer friggin' house down.


 “Is your family in the mob?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
-James Gandolfini—Park Ridge, N.J.

Meanwhile, here in NC Florida...


“Why does everyone curse so much?”
“Because we like to fucking express ourselves.”
-Danny DeVito,  Asbury Park, N.J.


It's a legit question, isn't it...

These are for a special occasion also...

Art Deco Inspired Hand Beaded Cobalt Blue
 and Gold Dangle Earrings
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:




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And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...