Monday, October 11, 2021

I rarely, if ever, get falling down drunk, but last night...

Ya know the saying 'You can't drink all day 
if you don't start early? 
I started early and finished early... 


It's not me, but you'll get my point...


Like what you're hearing from Joe? There's so much more great drinkin' music to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:





Sweet dreams my precious...



If this ain't the stupidest 
thing ya ever seen, ya gotta 
get out more often.


He handled that well...


That's a HARD landing...

You should know by now that this is the model knife 
I carry every day of my life. Thankfully, I didn't 
have it with me last night or I'da lost it when 
I lost my pants. That's a story for another day...

Take a look at this knife and see if it wouldn't 
be the perfect pocket knife for you:

I know that tune. It's an earworm...









Need a good small range bag at a great price? 
This is a great soft-sided bag with a lot of features.

The link is for the black version. Find it here:

Mop up in aisle 5...








 This is one helluva sweet 
laptop for the price.

I just bought one for my wife and she loves it. Take a look and see if 
it's right for you. You'll find it by clicking on the picture or here:










Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab or window:


Goodnight, Vinnie...

1 comment:

  1. Great collection.
    The guy falling down the steps by the mobile home is a clip from the series Trailer Park Boys. They guy who faceplants after stepping into his sandals was the victim of a prank - his asshole buddies nailed them to the floor.

    And nobody can top the Russians.
