Tuesday, October 5, 2021

I have always had a serious attitude about California.

 Now I have another reason to hate that state...



Yeah - it's just ole' Adolph
 giving a nun his autograph.






Reposted from last night's post.

That's not really true, though - he actually didn't lose 
anything but 'value', and he's about as valueless 
a fuck as anyone you've ever known of.


This is the kinda shit that happens when you have 
a doddering jackass weakling for a President.


It really is the truth - now more than ever you 
should be taking a multi-vitamin. Centrum is 
a perfect example of a good one for you.

Buy them here on Amazon much cheaper than you'll find them
 at Walgreens or CVS. Click on the picture or this link:

Do or die time this afternoon at 3:05 at Fenway.

I get shit from my wife on this but 
I find this whackjob strangely 
attractive. AND she got some serious cans.


Yeah - that's a great idea during a fuckin' pandemic. That'll really teach those anti-vaxxers a lesson, huh? If you treat your most valuable employees like kids, don't be surprised when they light your cat's tail on fire, ya fuckin' morons. Juss' sayin'...



It turns out that the leftists who harassed moderate Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) in a public restroom over the weekend are not only funded by billionaire George Soros, but are also supported by a group connected to several of Sinema’s U.S. Senate colleagues including at least one vulnerable Democrat up for reelection next year.



Yes it is. It's Farrah Fawcett skateboarding. 
Wearing old school Nikes and bell bottoms.

I've now bought four pairs of these
 and they are friggin' perfect - 
what a great deal. 
Fit just like the old 501's. You really gotta try 'em yourself...

Did I mention they're as little as $ 12.00 a pair?
Find them by clicking on the picture or here:

Jimmy Buffet did a song called 'Life is a tire swing' back in the 80's. This is that exact tire swing of which he spoke, and I know for a fact that it's still there because it's right in front of a friend of mine's house on St. John. And that's a fact.




Yeah, I really did. I had a girlfriend 
that friggin' stupid once. Cute as fuck 
but yeah - that stupid. Fun while it lasted...

I really do think we've become a nation of fuckin' pussies 'cause I gotta tell ya, this shit would not be tolerated by anybody I grew up with. 
We'da beat the livin' fuck outta these illegal jerkoffs right there on the plane. I'd be more than happy to get locked up for kickin' their wise-mouth asses. Happy to. Juss' sayin'...



Back when entertaining the eye was 
at least as important as functionality.


Shatner will become the oldest person to go to space. He’ll join three others - two of them paying customers - aboard a Blue Origin capsule. He would have been the first actor in space if Russia weren’t launching an actress and a film director to the International Space Station on Tuesday for almost two weeks of moviemaking.
Shatner‘s flight will last just 10 minutes and reach no higher than about 66 miles. The capsule will parachute back to the desert floor, not far from where it took off.


If you like Calvin as much as I do, wouldn't this make a great gift 
for one of your kids or grandkids? Or maybe even for yourself...

You can find this collection here: 





It's free for three months. Why not give it a try?



  1. Do or die time this afternoon at 3:05 at Fenway.????
    I believe the starts at 8:00 PM tonight. it would've been great to see it this afternoon though

  2. I wrote up a story once about Mayberry.

    Aunt B ran the local drug operation, she was the queen of barbiturate distribution

    Andy's wife was a victim of a gang war when her brothers tried to muscle in. Andy killed them all & took over their territory.

    Barney only was given one bullet because that was all he ever needed. He never missed his target.

    Floyd the Barber was made an example of from talking too much, but not killed off so he would be a visible reminder for the locals to keep their traps shut

    Otis was the chief of the informants. That's why he had his own key to the sheriff's office.

    Gomer was told to enlist in the Marines to extend distribution


The attack of the pissed off clothes...

... Here's a nice  idea for a gift  that's  both attractive and inexpensive...   Click on the picture for more information on these ...