Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Colored fun - something different

 I enjoy taking old B&W grainy pictures 
and colorizing and enhancing them. 
Here's some examples... 

 Selfies before Self-phones

Workers cutting each other's hair in the old south.

See what I mean? I can take a color pic, 
change it to B&W and then recolor it.


The Adams was in Downtown Newark, NJ

Yeah, that coulda been me in High School. 
I was a total spaz.


This is the flag I fly under my
 American Flag in front of my house.

There are more than a few different sizes and styles 
available if you look around when you get there. 
This is the link for this flag:


Hmmm. Lesbian experiments in the 30's?

A Coca Cola company delivery truck in Knoxville, 1909.

Albert Einstein and his wife Elsa, at their
residence in Pasadena, California, 1931

Backstage at the Copacabana, 1940.
 Check out the shoes.

Coney Island, summer of '54

None of these KIDS needed 'a safe place' 
to avoid being insulted or bullied...

The Zep Diner in 1931. You can
 almost smell how good it was.

And one of my favorites. Just a little guy 
watering the weasel while the rest of the kids watch...






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  1. I'm thinking water the weasel is code for something. What shoes? Look at those gams.


Here's another really sexy HillBetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly.

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