Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Free helicopter ride and nobody wants to go?

Anybody interested in a free ride 
in a helicopter for 4 people?

I'm still looking for 2 more adults to join us. We leave early Saturday morning (October 16) from Sanford Airport and will fly to Myrtle Beach, where we will have breakfast, then have lunch on a friend’s yacht. 
After lunch  we’ll do a flight up the east coast to see the fall colors, returning to Myrtle Beach for dinner, then fly back home. 
If interested, please message me. Preferably someone with a helicopter and yacht, otherwise we can't go...



If you're into cars, this is a great article:

Kamala slams European explorers who 'ushered in 
a wave of devastation for Tribal nations' and vows 
the Biden administration will work to address 
the impact of America's 'shameful past'  

The vice president on Tuesday told the annual Congress of Native Americans that history did not adequately acknowledge the damage done to their communities by European explorers. 
Joe Biden on Monday became the first president to formally recognize Columbus Day as this bullshit made-up friggin' 'Indigenous People's Day', whatever the fuck that means.
 Harris said they would work to help Native communities. She also pointed out that Biden's $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill had provisions to help 'Native communities with faster internet and better facilities on their land'.

It's a screen print. Like a t-shirt only on canvas. For only $ 40,000.00 American. I'm curious - do you get the silk screen along with the print so they can't make any more? 
People who buy shit like this are fuckin' idiots. Good for them.


They banned DJT and still let this camelfucker 
spew his bullshit. Nah - I don't see 
a problem with that, do you?

I'm a certified fuckin' idiot. I actually
 had to have my wife explain this to me.


This is a gadget I really like - and with 
things as fucked up as they are these days 
it's a great idea to have these around.

A helluva deal for $ 7.00 each! 
Click on the picture or this link:

I can't imagine you've never seen this before, but this has to be one of the greatest album covers of all times. It was released in the summer of 1968 - 54 years ago.
Granted there are other great covers (like the Blind Faith British cover that made absolutely no sense), but this I think is the best of all of 'em. Juss' sayin'...

It's at least about time people started fighting back - in the courts - about this mandate bullshit. Who the fuck are they to make you get stabbed or lose your job? Fuck them, and fuck their fuckin' mandates. And fuck Biden for telling them to do it - the fuckin' sheep that they are.

File this under 'Do as I say, not as I do'. 




The cats name was Piwacket. The eyes are deadly on both of them. This was from a publicity shot for the movie 'Bell book and candle' that she starred in with Jimmy Stewart - Kim Novak's sexiest role by far. 
As a side-note, I dated her daughter for a couple months back in the mid-70's. She (Kim) did not age gracefully. Juss' sayin'...


Check out the prices for the hats...

Do NOT believe a single word she says here.
Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, on Tuesday defended her proposal to allow the IRS to monitor transactions above $600. She said it was to clamp down on tax fraud and would not impact ordinary Americans - only billionaires skirting tax. But Norah O'Donnell on CBS asked why the threshold was so low, if it was only designed to target ultra wealthy individuals. Yellen insisted the plan had been 'mischaracterized', and has previously said it is to provide a comprehensive picture and avoid loopholes.


 This is one helluva sweet 
laptop for the price.

I just bought one for my wife and she loves it. Take a look and see if 
it's right for you. You'll find it by clicking on the picture or here:


It's really kind of a shame that it's this time 
of year and most of the northern States won't 
allow you to do this any more. Thankfully we 
still can here in Florida, but there's really 
no need to. That's a smell that every young kid 
should experience for himself at least once 
in his youth. It'll stay with him forever.

I was the odd man out on this back in the day. I didn't like either band, although all of my friends either liked one band or the other - rarely both. I have come to appreciate how truly gifted McCartney was, even though his music didn't touch me at all. Weird, huh?

You can click on this banner to get there...



Need a gift for a loved one? 
Jewelry is a great idea.

Click on the picture for information on this item.

Click on this link to see all she has to offer:






  1. Re #23. Leaf burning was a great treat in NYC in the early 50's. It was one time that the smell of the place was great. And to this day, 70 years later, I can still smell the smoke as if someone just lit up a pile next to me. Great fond memories that, unfortunately, will not be enjoyed by most of this generation.

  2. As for the Stones,the Cancel Culture finally caught up to them too. They said they will no longer perform the song "Brown Sugar" live anymore. No big deal though, they ain't worth seeing live anymore anyway. Just referance the tape of their live concert in Havana

    1. To say that Keith Richards is a good guitarist is blasphemous.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...