Thursday, September 16, 2021

You can't do anything about anything.

 What are you worrying about?  There's no point. You have little or no control, so fuck it - fire up a bone and chill... 




It could be worse. You could be like Woodsterman 
and live in Cali. Juss' sayin'...
Handsome fucker, ain't he? Here's his blog:

Let's see if the House Ethics Committee does anything about 
her violating the 'gift acceptance rules' of the house...


Remember back when when I said this fuckin'
 covid bullshit would be with us forever and ever?
 Remember that? I've been saying it for over a year
 now. This fuckin' thing ain't ever going away.

That's just fuckin' sick. Not the statement - 
the fact that somebody actually thought of it. 
Juss' sayin'...

Another shot from the 'camping with babes'
 post that is certainly worth reminding you of...

A great pair of jeans for under $ 13.00 bucks? 
I wouldn't lie to you. At least not about this - 
and I've now bought six pairs of them.

Rustler makes a great pair of pants for a ridiculously low price.
 See for yourself. There's plenty of styles and sizes to choose from, 
and fellow readers have told us - right here - how much they like them. 
Click on the picture or this link:

A back street in Mont St Michel in the Normandy region of France. 
People actually live there. I could live there forever.






Even then I knew she was the gal for me...

They will be vilified for voting their consciences and not the party line like the rest of the sheep are doing. The three believe more in free-market economics then they doing in socialistic price controls by the government. Amazing, huh? 
The lib press will try to crucify  these people.



If you have Gout like I do and you've 
never known how this supplement can help, 
maybe now's time for you to learn.

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a god-send. Believe me. 
Click on the picture or this link for even more info:


What are odds of that little match-up?
Two albino squirrels fucking? Yikes.




For those times when you go completely brain-dead on gift ideas, there's 
always this. Right click on the banner and it'll open in a new tab.

Bicycles were used by firemen to follow the cart that carried the pump and ladders. The frame was modified to contain a housing for the fire hose. In the back were the fireman’s helmet and ax, while the fire-extinguisher launcher was fixed to the handlebars. The one below is at Museo Galileo - Institute and Museum of the History of Science in Florence, Italy.
How the Brits view the US covid bullshit:


Good coffee at a really good price.
A damn fine combo if you have a Keurig.

Find it by clicking on the picture or here:

Vietnam is probably bigger than you thought



Called it in April of last year:


Do you have a special occasion - like a birthday, an anniversary 
or some other special event worth celebrating coming up? 
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here. Below are some samples of the jewelry my wife makes.

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Click on the picture above for information on this item

See some more for yourself by clicking here:


Buy yourself something useful. You deserve it. 
These are great, heavy-duty tool bags. 
Get yourself a couple. I have three of them.

Get a couple for yourself for less than $ 19 bucks each. 
Click on the picture or this link:




  1. I got a laugh out of that "free market pharma" comment. We have anything but, which is why Canadians get drugs developed here for less than we pay. The price of insulin skyrocketed. The epipen ripoff benefits Manchin's daughter. On and on it goes, and we get the hose.

    Our government screws up everything it touches, fixes nothing, and creates new problems every day.

    1. That last statement sums it up. And morons STILL want government run health care. 2 letters: V A. That should be enough on its own to kill those thoughts.

  2. Those white squirrels may be from Olney, IL they are common there.

    Steve L.

    1. Or Brevard, NC. They aren't albino but a different genetic mutation (note the eye color).

  3. Benny Hill would have made an epic skit using that Firefighter's Bicycle.

  4. Thank you for including me in your post, but hey about those white squirrels ....


Good night, Mr. Sneyd...

  ...   Is the woman you love a cat lover? She'd probably love to have these. Click on the picture above for information on these earrin...