Tuesday, September 7, 2021

COVID and dementia? Sure - why not?

 Everything else about this COVID thing and this Presidency sucks, why not add another little twist to the stupidity? 
There gonna have to blame it on something...





Do you think Joe Biden has a little
 brain salad surgery going on?










Do you think Kamala Harris will be
 stepping in to finish Joe's term?





Buy yourself something nice.
You deserve it.

Find one for yourself by clicking on the picture or here:



  1. Carrol O'Connor, what a talent he had. PF's Breathe verse was quite cool as well. Ohio Guy


California’s Medi-Cal shortfall hits $6.2 billion because of illegals. No shit, Sherlock...

Just goes to show you - giving shit away for free is VERY expensive.  Way to go, Gavin.  This is from a website called CalMatters.org - Cal...