Saturday, August 14, 2021

What would it be like to have truly fair and balanced news reporting?

 Well, ya can't ask me 'cause I've never experienced it. so I most likely wouldn't recognize it if I saw it... 




On this day in history - August 14, 1945

V-J Day in Times Square, the iconic photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt, which was published in 'Life' magazine in 1945 with the caption, "In New York's Times Square a white-clad girl clutches her purse and skirt as an uninhibited sailor plants his lips squarely on hers"
Greta Zimmer Friedman, identified later as the 'nurse' in the photo, became the subject of perhaps the most iconic photo taken on V-J Day on Aug. 14, 1945. The photo caught the U.S. at a moment of pure relief and represented people letting go of their inhibitions, it captured the jubilance people felt upon the war's end.
Greta Friedman was a 21-year-old dental assistant, out in Times Square when news of the war's end broke. George Mendonsa (still alive at 94 ?), who in 2015 confirmed he was the man in the photo, saw Friedman for the first time, spun her around and kissed her."It wasn't that much of a kiss," Friedman, who came forward as the woman in the photo years later, said in a 2005 interview with the Veterans History Project. "It was just somebody celebrating. It wasn't a romantic event." Greta Friedman died at age 92 on September 8, 2016. 
Glenn McDuffie, a US Navy veteran who also claims to have kissed the nurse in the photo passed away on March 9, 2014, aged 86. Photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt died on August 23, 1995 (aged 96). Colorized by Sanna Dullaway

Ain't nobody gonna be holdin' ole' massa's 
feets to the fire, that fo' sho...

If you've never heard this album, there's 
a hole in your musical wisdom pail.


David Mikkelson, the co-founder of the fact-checking site Snopes has been suspended after an investigation revealed that he had plagiarized at least 54 articles and used a fake name so he wouldn't get caught. 
He got caught anyway.

I'm tellin' ya, ya can't trust nobody these days.



Good coffee at a really good price.
A damn fine combo if you have a Keurig.

Find it by clicking on the picture or here:


Shit - I've been saying this my whole life. Big boobs 
are the key to happiness. That's no new idea...


The outdoor game scene is a little different here in The Villages - if ya catch my drift. As the guys here like to say: 'The odds are good but the goods are really fuckin' odd.'


They're setting the stage in very subtle ways. 
It's really important to be aware of the small steps 
they take against us.

'Domestic extremist groups' may use new COVID-19 restrictions as an excuse to launch violent attacks, according to a warning in a new bulletin from the Department of Homeland Security. 
"Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by domestic violent extremists, and they may contribute to more violence this year," the bulletin, released Friday, states. 
The Department of Homeland Security said the risk of violence by racially and ethnically motivated extremists, as well as anti-government and anti-authority groups, will be a "national threat priority for the United States."


Gonna be a rainy weekend. I'll take that...



 Take a look at this ratcheting wrench set - 
it's on sale today at a great price.

Click on the picture or the link below:



Lefties making fun of patriots. Despicable. 
Imagine you hate your own country so much 
that you refuse to leave it and go somewhere else...



Like I said - perspective is everything. How long we been keeping weather records - 150 years maybe? How old's the earth - 2,000,000,000 (that's two billion years by the way) maybe?

I don't have a good reason to include her in
 this post, and I don't friggin' need one, do I?


"We'll take the niggers and the chinks, 
but no Irish"

These are great tool bags.
I have three of them.

Get a couple for yourself:

They're gonna milk this Cuomo thing 
like it was a fat Guernsey cow...


British tabloid newspapers are so much 
more fun than American ones...






Do you have a special occasion - like a birthday, an anniversary 
or some other special event worth celebrating coming up? 
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here. Below are some samples of the jewelry my wife makes.

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Click on the picture above for information on this item

See some more for yourself by clicking here:


You can click on this banner to get there...


  1. Regarding temperatures and recorded history... the fucking thermometer was invented in 1592. So that leaves out the whole warming period during the rise of Rome (followed by the cooling period coinciding with the fall of Rome) and the early medieval warming period that started around, oh, 700ish AD, which, unsurprisingly, ties in with the rise of the Viking Age as more farmland way up North thawed out, and allowed for more men to go Viking. And the warming period allowed Vikings to go to Greenland, which, funny, wasn't covered by ice and WAS green, and go to Vinland, where grape vines existed as far north as Maine and Southern Nova Scotia, and also melted the arctic icepack enough that there is credible evidence that Vikings took the northwest passage over the top of North America all the way around Alaska to the Pacific Northwest.

    The same medieval warming that allowed the Norman Renaissance and allowed the increase in Western Europeans that gave the population pressure that allowed the Crusades to kick off and keep going until the next cooling cycle, which was around 1300, coincidentally also pretty much the end of Viking Greenland (the last boats out wanted to return but the ice sheets around Greenland grew quickly) and tied in with the Black Plague (which wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been so fucking cold and everybody was not bathing and cleaning and instead were staying huddled up crowded as many people as possible into rooms to stay warm.

    (Evidence exists that the Medieval Warming Period was about 4-5 degrees hotter than right now.)

    Then it warmed in the 1400s and started getting cold again in the 1500s leading to the 1600s Mini-Ice Age, which then started warming up in the 1700s until volcanos in the Pacific and Iceland blew in the late 1700s, leading to bad harvests in France in the late 1780s which led to the French Revolution as the city people threw down the elite because the city people were starving.

    Then it got warm again in the mid 1790s which led to the Napoleanic Wars, and then it got cold again in the 1810s, followed by the world freezing when several big west Pacific super-volcanoes blew and threw enough crap into the atmosphere to drop the overall world temperature by 5-10 degrees on average.

    And then it got warm again. And cold again, and warm, cold, warm, cold, really cold during WWII and the Korean War period, then warming again...

    So, how exactly, are we having 'historic recorded warm temperatures' when we only started recording, globally, temperatures, reliably, in the 1700's?

    Seriously, what a load of bupkis.

    Might as well say that the number of people using a computer is at a record level, when comparing people using computers to pre-industrial mechanical computer usage to modern computers everywhere usage.

    Or, well, more people are using cell phones this year than ever in recorded history (cell phone invented 1983, though people have been using radio cell phone technology since the 1930's, just not, you know, cellular cell phones.) And that's not including any other mobile communication technology that goes back in the historical record, from signal fires to signal mirrors to chariot riders or express riders or pigeons or Swiss Mountain horns or yodeling or shouting or or or.

    It's all bullshit.

    1. Thanks beanzie - 40 years ago they said the world was gonna freeze. You can look it up...


And what are they drinking in your state?

...    Why do I do what I do here? Being able to present what my wife creates is the best reason  I have for doing this,  and when you buy h...