Monday, August 30, 2021

If the disease don't kill ya, the cure certainly will.

 That sounds like something my grandmother 
woulda said, but it's true... 






It's a bad week for drummers evidently...

That album - with Innagaddadavida on it - was really important to guys like me when we were in our teens. It's impossible to believe it was over 50 years ago, but it was. I feel old. Here is the full, 17-minute original version of it:


Politicians, especially these pols that are now in control, seem to know the cost of everything and the value of absolutely nothing. In abandoning Afghanistan, the US is walking away from an incredible amount of valuable military hardware. Know how much it cost us? 

I can't attest to the validity of these numbers, but it sure sounds about right, except maybe the Humvee number seems a little high. Fuckin' crazy if ya think about it. Why the fuck would we ever just walk away from this kinda shit?

As far as I'm concerned - ya gotta be a half an idiot to buy one in the first place (Sorry Chris) so there's always that...

This is a great little security item for 
your wife's car or your truck.

Especially these days with all this crazy shit 
going on around us everywhere... 

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available here. 
That's a lot of protection for $ 13.00 - find the one that's right for you:



C'mon now - that's pretty fuckin' funny, ain't it?


Here's a great idea for you guys when you find yourselves in a strange town or a different bar where you don't know anyone. If the bar is dark, you'll need to wait a  minute to let your eyes adjust to the light before you do this.
As soon as you walk in, yell out "You cheating BITCH" and then watch the women seated at the bar. 
The stool next to the woman who turned around fastest 
is where you wanna sit. Trust me...

It's a serious question. It seems like all these camel-jockey goat-fuckers wanna do is kill people so why should we give a fuck if they're alive or dead. 
Back in 'Nam they had a saying - 'Kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out'. Sounds reasonable to me, seein's how they do all this heinous shit in the name of their god anyways...


My mother did this shit  for a coupla years back in the late 50's/early 60's I guess? The basement was full of boxes filled with this shit. I guess she did make enough money to make it worth while, but certainly never enough to buy a friggin' car.



Wanna get on a plane and run away? I certainly do - here's a great bug-out bag you can carry on with you.

It's on sale today for under $ 34.00. 
Find one for yourself here or look around:






Somewhere else ya gotta be Joe?

Furious veterans are slamming Biden for checking his WATCH during the dignified transfer of 13 US service members killed in ISIS-K suicide blast in Kabul. 
He is a complete jerkoff. 
Can you imagine hating someone (DJT) SO much that you would actually, intentionally and willfully vote for a brain-dead jackass like this guy instead? It hurts my heart to even think about the people I know that did just that.


Even as kids we were idiots.



Me and the boys talkin' about puttin' 
the band back together...

This is still on sale for under $100.00.  
This is the best price on a DeWALT
 cordless drill you may ever see.
A similar drill by itself with nothing else sells for more than this complete kit! 
You get the drill, charger, carrier bag and TWO batteries for under $ 100.00. 
Don't miss this opportunity - the batteries are worth that much or more on their own. 
Click on the picture or this link to find this deal but hurry up - this won't last at this price: 



Have you met my second wife? I haven't either. 
If ya do know who she is, wouldja give her my number 
and tell her I'm rich?


I had a girlfriend that stupid once...




This would have been a god-send when I lived in  the Caribbean 
and the power was going out every day...
I leave the one I have now out in the lanai now and it stays fully charged all the time. I just plug my phone in to it whenever I'm out there - and it keeps the phone at 100%. It's impressive. I bought another one yesterday morning that I'll just keep on the dash of my truck.

For under $ 19 bucks, it's crazy not to have one. Even comes 
with the charger cord. Click on the picture or this link:





  1. That was a lot to take in and a lot of fun. The world sure is messed up isn't it. Yes it is.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ☺

  2. I think I just read that Jeannie turned 90 years old....


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...