Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Why I hate Tom Brady and other pet Peeves.

 'I think about forty percent of people still
 don't think we won, right Mr. President?'





150 years ago life expectancy for men here in the US was something like 38 or some shit. Must be the drugs, huh?



Two cops were injured as 65,000 morons packed the streets 
of Milwaukee to celebrate the City's first NBA title in 50 years.



Another great Old Timer pocket knife.

Get one for yourself by clicking on the picture or this link:

Ya really gotta wonder sometimes where these fruitloop motherfuckers even find shit this stupid to think, let alone say out loud, right?

A banner plane piloted by an 18-year-old   'safely' made an emergency landing Monday on the causeway leading into Ocean City, NJ. Police said they were called to the Route 52 Causeway between Ocean City and Somers Point at 12:38 p.m on Tuesday.
The pilot of the plane, Landon Lucas, an 18-year-old kid flying for Paramount Air Service, told police that he began to have engine trouble as he was flying in Atlantic City near the Steel Pier. Kid must have balls of steel.



Ahh - the Irish. Such fun-loving folk.




The friggin' lawyers are probably already drooling over this one. 
Shakespeare was right, you know...

Still on sale for under $ 50 bucks.
Still the best deal on a small tablet.

For under $ 50 bucks you can't go wrong.
Check it out here or click on the picture:






I always thought Siberia was some kinda like big-ass frozen tundra 
place where it snowed every day, didn't you? Seems kinda weird.


Two U.S. soldiers look over the ruins 
surrounding the Cologne Cathedral. 1945.

Yeah - this ain't his first day at the rodeo - 
or whatever the fuck that saying is.

Pop your head out the front door and take a look 
at the American flag you have in your yard. 
Maybe it's time for you to replace it.

Celebrate America by buying American-made.
This is a well-made flag that'll last. You'll find it right here:


And this makes me wanna puke. Juss' sayin'...

Just in case you mighta forgot what an absolute fuckin' cunt this lady is...









Have a special occasion of some kind like a birthday, an 
anniversary or some other event worth celebrating coming up? 
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here. Below are some samples of the jewelry my wife makes.

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Click on the picture above for information on this item

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. 
Take a look at the one-of-a-kind jewelry my wife creates for women. 
See some more for yourself by clicking here:





  1. I quit Ben and Jerry's when they supplied ice cream to the Occupy movement people. Fuck em.

  2. you’d figure if a guy’s gonna meet a sitting president, even this lame ass douchecanoe, a guy would at least shave. Looks like a complete tool.

  3. To be honest, I've ALWAYS thought those 2 hippies were assholes.


Kamala 2028. I'm all in...

Will someone please explain to her the word 'present' means? She may be a little confused. Anyway, this should tell you every thing ...