Sunday, July 11, 2021

Why do we get involved? Why do we care? Will we always be the Buttinski's of the world?

 I know we're supposed to give a shit about our fellow man and all that, but seriously - why do we care? They don't give a fuck about us... 

Unless we're handing out the free money - that's all they want us for.


Worthy of a second showing, don'tcha think?



The number one phrase that makes my brain hurt? 
Last year's favorite coda: 
Out of an abundance of caution..."

Miami-Dade County Courthouse employees were told to work from home Friday after safety concerns were identified with the building.

County officials said, “Out of an abundance of caution in response to the tragedy in Surfside, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava and Miami-Dade Courts administrators asked engineers to conduct an assessment of all County buildings at the recertification point including the Dade County Courthouse.” 



Listening to NPR yesterday they were talking to a Professor of this and that something to do with Forestry from UCW (the University of California whereverethefuck), and they wanted to talk to him about wildfire mitigation in the State going forward. 
The fucking guy couldn't open his mouth fast enough to blurt out about 'Climate change this' and  'Climate change that' and other nonsensical bullshit that had little if anything to do with how they could prevent forest fires in the future. 
They even went as far as to throw Trump in to the discussion as if he was running around throwing lit matches into the ground cover kindling.
It's scary who the 'experts' really are sometimes. Why our tax money goes to that liberal bastion of bullshit NPR makes me sick. Fuck them - let 'em starve.

If this doesn't completely right-side peg your 
'Can't possibly-give-a-fuck meter', nothing will...

A wildfire in Northern California more than doubled in size from Friday to Saturday, sending up a massive cloud of smoke and ash that, combined with the dry heat, generated its own lightning and created dangerous weather conditions for firefighters. 

Need an easy way to spruce up the front yard 
or garden? These are great lights.

 Makes Garden Pathways & Flower Beds Look Great - Easy NO-Wire Install, 
All-Weather, Water-Resistant. Click on the picture or this banner:


When will the hotdog truck guys come back?
 They've been gone since this COVID bullshit started.


The funny (or is it actually the fucked-up) thing about this is that The Onion predicted present day US strategy ten years ago:


The mayor of Avalon, NJ on Friday signed an order restricting access to its boardwalk and beach overnight, citing large unruly crowds that have troubled officials in other Jersey Shore communities. Another one of those candy-ass 'abundance of caution' moves by a politician flexing some brain muscle. 
Such horseshit.

Didn't John Denver die in something similar?

She didn't make it in to last night's post.
 WTF was I thinking?

I will never have this much faith in 
any piece of equipment. Never ever.

All the way back in 1984, Bruce McCandless II, a mission specialist on the Challenger spacecraft, reached a maximum distance on one of the first untethered spacewalks ever. He also did the first untethered spacewalk.


Well, guess I'd have to get the first two first, Mr Pfizer, wouldn't I?

These are really good sweat socks and 
this is a really good price for them.  

Find 'em for yourself by clicking on the picture or here:



It took 12 Containers, a bunch of money and a shitload of imagination to build this 4,000 sqft shipping container house in Maine. This is just about the first one I've seen that I really like.

How - and why - would anyone wanna train a dog to do 
something as dumb as that?


. ... 

That talk to us like we're idiots because they know that we really are fuckin' idiots. They got elected, didn't they?




The single best - and easiest - 
knife sharpener you'll ever use. Period.

You can get them in a 2-pack for more savings.
Keep one and give one to a friend. 
Click on the picture or this link to find them:





Have you checked this out yet? 
It's one helluva good deal - and it's free for 90 days. 
Right click on the banner and it'll open in a new tab:



1 comment:

  1. they're talking about a monthly shot version. Yeah, not getting that one either.


Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

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