Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sometimes, women are just plain sexy. It's true.

 'Sexy' is very subjective. We all have our own specific tastes. Thankfully for you, I don't have many preferences. 
I like 'em all... 

Here's a few that caught my eye.  Sometime it's just the
look in her eyes and how she looks at you. Enjoy.



Yeah, like that look.
























And the, of course, there's always Nicci...







  1. My grandad told me a sexy woman has it all in her state of mind.
    The externals help, but it is all in the attitude

    1. My Father's one piece of advice - the only advice he gave me about girls - 'Always look at the mother'...

  2. Find 'em for yourself by licking here:
    Men's Cotton Moisture Wicking Extra Heavy
    Cushion Working Crew Socks - 10 Pairs

    I had already LICKED ,,THEN I get the sock ad.
    Crap,, there I was, Fully expecting a smoking hot woman to pop out.

    1. Wow - your expectations are pretty high there Skippy. Or - maybe it's just you that's high. Hmmmm....
