Tuesday, June 29, 2021

In praise of ladies with long legs - Part Two of what may be an extended Rule 5 study.

 Long legs and miniskirts? 
That is one helluva combination.
Ladies - the high heels are overkill, but if you insist...










This is very similar to the ones professional 
use in restaurant kitchens.

Find it by clicking on the picture or here:










It's raining out. Shit - can't use the gas grille. It's okay - this is probably better anyway - AND it's on sale.
 50% off today!

Find one for yourself by clicking on the picture or this link:











Maybe it's time for you to replace it your flag. 
Act now and get it in time for July 4th..

Celebrate America by buying American-made.
You'll find it by clicking on the picture or right here:

And a pickup truck? That's marryin' material.



And the best - by far - for last...

Except for the fish-lip thing. Juss' sayin'...

If you have Gout and you've never known how this supplement can help, now's time to learn.

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a god-send. Believe me. Click on the picture or this link for even more info:






  1. Those ladies have the kind of legs I like. Feet on one end, pussy on the other.

  2. I am a retired blogger from Israel(IDF),I have a new FUNNY/HUMOR blog: funnylinksblog.wordpress.com and I am interested in a Reciprocal Links with your great blog,if it's possible,please.I think Humor is important to people,anywhere,anytime,any blog...Best wishes,David.

    1. Thanks for the offer David but it looks like it's just click-bait, so I'll take a pass. Appreciate for thinking of us...


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...