Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sometimes things are so broken they can't be fixed. We all know that.

 Why is that such a difficult concept for politicians to grasp? Government is the cause of most of our problems, not the remedy... 


"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God such men lived." 

– George S. Patton        




This iconic 1967 image known as 'The Kiss of Life' was taken by Jacksonville’s Florida Times-Union photographer Rocco Morabito.
He was returning from covering another story when he saw lineman Randall Champion dangling from a power pole after receiving a tremendous shock. Lineman J.D. Thompson climbed down from a nearby pole, ran 400 feet and climbed up to Champion where he tried to bring him back to life - and he did!
Champion survived and he, Thompson, and Morabito became friends, and Rocco won the Pulitzer Prize for his photo.






Memorial Day is tomorrow.   

Show your pride in your country and those that have given their all for it. If the flag on your flagpole is old and faded or torn and tattered, get a new one here.

You'll find your new flag here. 
Click on the above picture or this link:



The things that ultra-liberal mayors like diBlazio in NYC are doing to the big cities is tragic. It's almost as if they're encouraging these jerkoffs to destroy what was once vibrant, lively and successful. It makes no sense at all.

The only reason I mention this park so often is because it's become emblematic of the problems that are being created in these big, liberal, anti-cop, anti-law & order cities. These people can't be ashamed of themselves - they have no shame, but the have a shitload of false pride...

Life hack my ass. Just stand the friggin' bottles up. Jeez. People got too much time on their hands. No wonder they're all out protesting stupid shit.

First documented by William Herschel in 1785, the galaxy lies about 150 million light-years away from Earth. Despite this distance, we can see the delicate structures of gas and dust within the galaxy in extraordinary detail. This detail is possible using Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), whose combined exposures created this image. 

Make the grandchildren - the descendants of the guys who did the shooting - pay the descendants of the ones killed, if that's all you want. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and go away. How dare you even think about giving away someone else's money for something they didn't do, and had nothing to do with.


Old Timer (Schrade) makes a great knife. 
This is the same one I've been carrying for over
50 years, but with a slightly different handle. 

I've always believed that all guys should carry pocket knives.Take a look at this and the other knives they offer - I'm sure you'll find one that's just right for you. Click on the picture or this link:



These huge solid stone 'balls' are naturally forming spherical boulders found in New Zealand. It is likely that the 'Moeraki Boulders' first formed from the seafloor mud over 56 million years ago in the Paleocene era. But God created the earth in six days.


Have you checked this out yet? It's one helluva good deal - and it's free for 90 days. Right click on the banner for more info:




Browzing the classifieds in the Lady Lake area I found (and bought) this entire Lenai set - all 8 pieces - for $ 150.00.This is where they were - not my house.

Yeah. Two fingers and an 8-ball.


“Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.” 

– Franklin Delano Roosevelt       

Aldi Pasta Sauce jars have measurements under the labels. They're real, reusable mason jars.


1938 Dymaxion car. How frikkin' cool is that thing?


It's time to start maybe thinking about jazzin' up the front yard a bit, huh Skippy? Here's a good start.


Inhumane acts performed in the name of God.
 Go figure...

She is out cold. Out like a light. Not here.



Have a birthday, an anniversary or some 
other event worth celebrating coming up? 
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here. This is some of the jewelry my wife makes.

Click on the picture above for information on this item

Click on the picture above for information on this item

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. 
Take a look at the one-of-a-kind jewelry my wife creates for women. 
See some more for yourself by clicking here:
It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 


  1. I remember that "Kiss of Life" photo. It was framed and hung in a lot of Ma Bell offices where I worked.

  2. "Make the grandchildren - the descendants of the guys who did the shooting - pay the descendants of the ones killed"

    -- Normally agree with everything you post ... but this is a bad idea.

    In no way should those innocent of a act be held accountable for what someone else may (or may not) have done.



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