Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Revisiting the ladies we like who like to visit ole' Jack Daniels now and again.

 Beautiful woman. Full bottle of Jack.
 Dangerous combo, don'tcha think...  

Bluto's up and running...









Here she is in full color...


You guys know what a sucker I am for new geeky stuff. 
Here's another one I like - a great new and useful 
gadget for under $ 23.00 bucks.

Find more info by clicking on the picture or here:

This is NOT a waste of Jack, bubba...





Just so ya know, you can click on any Amazon link or item you see featured here on the blog (even the picture above) to get to Amazon. 
Even if you're not interested in a specific item I feature, when you get to Amazon from here and find what you want, I still get credit for your visit there. Thanks again - it makes this whole silly thing worthwhile to me!






And here she is again...


'Use the force, Luke.' Excellent.

This is friggin' brilliant. Get one for yourself here:









There's nothing funny about personal safety. 
I have one in my truck, and one in Barb's car. 

Readers here have been telling me for quite a while now that not only are they buying them for themselves,  they're buying them for their kids, their girlfriends and their wives. 
  I think that's a great idea. Better safe than sorry is the best way to be these days...

There are a couple different strengths available here - find the one for you. 
Click on the picture or on the link:





  1. ???

    Nothing original from the recent Bike Week? I know full well they have JD over there...

    1. Yeah - I didn't got his year. Just too friggin' busy.

  2. I'm sure it was spell check that got you Joe, but it was Bluto Blutarsky (not Pluto)


It's Saturday! What - no cartoons yet?