Thursday, May 13, 2021

It seems like there's a nationwide idiot contest going on, and it's down to the semi-finals..

 And everyone but me is in first place... 


Most of the toilet paper sold in France is pink. That sorta tells ya everything you need to know about that country, doesn't it?


Biden and Kamala met with a  couple of Republicans and Chuck & Nancy in the Oval Office on Wednesday to talk about this bullshit 'Infrastructure Bill'. Nothing was accomplished, of course. 
I wonder why she's there - is she his semi-official babysitter or something? Also, why are all if these jerkoffs wearing masks? They're 'socially distanced' and every one of them has been vaccinated. They really do think we're all 7-year-olds, don't they?


This is how Korea looks at night from a satellite 
(the boundary lines are added for effect).

April 1st, 2022 - April Fools Day (of course it is) - will be the 25,000th day I have spent on this earth. That is if I make it that far. 

- Just a thought...      

By the way - Mr. President? 
This is what 'infrastructure' looks like:

But it doesn't matter because we know they think 
we're all just a bunch of fuckin' morons. I get it.


The hidden security at the Super Bowl


If you have Gout and you've never known how 
this supplement can help, now's time to learn.

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a god-send. Believe me. 
Click on the picture or this link for even more info:

I could almost tolerate a little yappy dog like that 
if I could get him to dance like that...


ABBA is in the R&RHoF and these guys aren't. FUCKING ABBA for godsake. Tells ya everything you need to know about the credibility of that bullshit tourist trap.


We'll see if stupid shit like this actually works. I'd kill for a White Castle nearby (and by nearby I mean within 15 miles or so).

Let me say it before you do. These people are out of their fuckin' minds. Serious question - Are these pols so deluded that they think they can give YOUR money away and there won't be consequences for them? It's fuckin' crazy I tell ya.



80 years ago in 1941, German scientist Konrad Zuse presented the world's first programmable computer to an audience in Berlin. Following the war, in 1946, IBM received the patents. To the victor belongs the spoils.



Pop your head out the front door and take a look 
at the American flag you have in your yard. 
Maybe it's time for you to replace it.

Celebrate America by buying American-made.
You'll find it right here for under $ 20 bucks:

Clark Gable received aerial gunnery training 
Tyndall Army Air Base at Panama City, Florida in 1943.

Gal Gadot‘s message of unity amid ongoing rocket attacks in the West Bank created a firestorm from online critics, who contend the former Israeli Defense Forces fighter is a “propaganda” tool for the Israeli military. The 36-year-old “Wonder Woman” actress took to Twitter to express how her “heart breaks,” because her “country is at war,” as tensions over a disputed Jerusalem region led to deadly exchanges of rocket fire attacks between Israel and Hamas militants.
“This is a vicious cycle that has been going on for far too long,” the Israeli native tweeted Wednesday. “Israel deserves to live as a free and safe nation, Our neighbors deserve the same. I pray for the victims and their families. I pray for this unimaginable hostility to end, I pray for our leaders to find the solution so we can live side by side in peace.”
She look familiar to you? She should - it's her:



Meanwhile, here in Florida:

Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis on Wednesday night announced clemency for everyone in his state who has violated COVID rules. The deal will affect at least 6,100 people who have been cited for breaking social distancing or mask mandate rules. DeSantis said it was 'overreach' and he was righting a wrong. He spoke on Fox News with two gym owners from his state, Mike and Jillian Carnevale (right) who were arrested four times for failing to enforce mask mandates in their gym.




Why buy knock-offs when you can get 
the originals for almost the same price, right?

This is a great set. Mine is under my driver's seat in the truck. 
Find one like it for yourself by clicking on the picture or here:

Iron Dome Air-Defense System Shoots Down Palestinian Rockets Fired At Tel-Aviv.

This is my neighbor four doors down. He's trimming the palm tree in front of his house. From a ladder he put up from the bed of his truck. And you wonder why I love living in Florida?





  1. Regarding the R&R HOF Inductees, their website tells you why JAY-Z is on it. "The Most DIVERSE group ever inducted. Guess they didn't want to be R&R so white!

  2. Not much of a Hall of Fame without Iron Maiden...

  3. The whole thing is a for-profit shit show run by three rich dipshits.


I'll meetcha down the road...

This is less than a mile from my house...