Friday, April 23, 2021

Things that go bump on Friday night? It's a Rule 5 kinda thing ya know.

 Well, actually these can go bumping along any time they want to. Who are we to stop them... 










A really good Bluetooth speaker and it's 
on sale today for only $ 26.00! 

I know for a fact how good it is - I have 
the same one and I use it at work. The sound -
 and the volume - you get from this is amazing.

Click on the picture or this link for more info:


That may go bump but in a whole different 
kinda way. Juss' sayin'...







And this one for last. I'm not sayin' it's 
the best, but it certainly is something...


This is a great idea - plugs in to any outlet...

 Grab a couple. You can have charge-ability in every room of the house.
Find it here for only $ 14.00 bucks each:


Thinking about getting a nice gift 
Mother's Day for your wife or girlfriend? 

The jewelry my wife makes is not expensive and it will 
make a really nice gift for someone special to you. 

Click on the picture for information about the items above.

Click on the picture for information about this item
There's a large variety of items that she makes that are available on her Etsy 'storefront'. See all that she has to offer in her 'store' by clicking on this link:

1 comment:

  1. Love the things that go bump - and jiggle... I'm looking forward to Saturday night bump and jiggle with my GF!


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...