Saturday, April 24, 2021

I am thinking very seriously about running for Governor.

 More importantly, I'm wondering why anyone would want to be Governor of anything... 

Bruce Jenner will be the very first  trannie Governor. Can you imagine any other state but California where that could - and probably will - happen?



‘The View’ Co-Host Joy Behar Apologizes 
For Misgendering(?) Caitlyn Jenner

Joy Behar, who, unbelievably, is 78 years old, blamed a lack of sleep for using the 'incorrect pronouns' in referring to Caitlyn Jenner on last Friday’s The View. The miserable old bitch referred to Jenner three times as “he” while discussing Jenner’s announced bid for California governor.
“He’s got this guy Brad Parscale running his campaign. What do you think about that?” Behar asked co-host Sunny Hostin. “I mean, that guy was accused of using campaign funds to enrich himself. That’s who is running his campaign - or her campaign, rather.” She made the same gaffe one more time and again corrected herself. “I think that he should - she, rather - should take a seat and let somebody with the credentials take over a major state like California,” she said.

I can't even begin to imagine how much their lives must have sucked.


Millennials - little pussies that they are - are moving back into their old awkward Mommy's & Daddy's house bedrooms in record numbers

Tom, 36, is single. He's a software engineer and street mime. He moved back in to his parent's home because he 'Couldn't deal with being responsible for himself any more...'
Nearly 3 out of 4 younger millennials are concerned that the coronavirus pandemic will impact their finances, with 57% saying that Covid-19 derailed their plans for financial independence. For many, those plans include having their own place. But 39% of younger millennials (defined here as ages 24 to 29) say they are either planning to or have already moved back in with their parents because of the economic downturn, according to a recent survey of over 2,000 young adults conducted by TD Ameritrade. 
Even some of those who haven’t made the move home are still getting help. About 15% of younger millennials say their parents are paying part of their rent, while another 15% say their parents are covering all of their housing costs. 



She sees superheroes everywhere and she's in line to be President of the fuckin' country. Yikes.

Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday was greeted by protesters in New Hampshire who urged her to visit the US-Mexico border in her role as the Biden administration’s migration czar. A handful of protesters brandished signs near Plymouth, NH, including one that read “Mexico —2,254 mi,” according to a pool report.

Another sign said, “Hey Kamala / Stop the illegal invasion / Go visit Mexico.” Yet another sign said, “Impeach Biden-Harris.”


I think this may now be the best deal they've 
ever offered on the smaller tablets.

For under $ 50 bucks you can't go wrong.
Check it out here or click on the picture:

Man she was friggin' hot...

Downtown London 18 years ago - on 24 April 1993, after Irish terrorists detonated a bomb. 
They never publicly declared why they set it off.

This roadside wildflower - Lavender Phlox - is ubiquitous throughout the south and north central Florida at this time of year.




The White House announced Friday that President Biden will make his first foreign trip in June with stops in the UK and Belgium.
Biden has avoided travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic excuse. Despite being vaccinated, he still wears two masks and mumbles a lot but will make the trip anyway to participate in annual G7 and NATO summits.

The news media here in the States is finally starting to catch up to their overseas cousins.

Thank goodness for voices of reason coming from these 'unenlightened, backward States' where the residents 'cling to their bibles and their guns'.

Republican Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed a bill Friday that will ban transgender athletes from competing in public school sports under the team matching their gender identities. Alabama's House Bill 391 forbids any public K-12 schools from allowing a "biological female" from participating on a male team "if there is a female team in a sport." The same applies to "biological males" competing on female teams.
The bill allows for trans students to play on co-ed teams, but doesn't mention where transgender students will compete if there's not a team matching the gender they were assigned at birth.



There is no such thing as 'too much Nicci'.

 While you're at it, take a look at this set too...

Click on the picture or the link below:


Donald Trump tells Sean Hannity that CNN broke the law after one of their technical directors was caught on camera telling a 'date' that the network was focused on removing him (Trump) from office. 

Donald Trump has accused CNN of committing a 'campaign violation' after a technical director with the network admitted on camera that they stood in opposition to his presidency. The former president spoke to Sean Hannity of Fox News, and was asked what he thought of a sting carried out by Project Veritas. An undercover reporter met the CNN camera operative through a dating app, and then filmed him discussing the network's approach. In one clip Chester tells his 'date' that CNN's focus was to remove Trump from the presidency. 'That is a campaign violation,' said Trump, describing Project Veritas' work as 'incredible'.





They can all learn to code. Obama will teach 'em. Motherfuckers.

Remember her? Wonder where she is now...



Click on either of these two pics to see for yourself.

Or you can click on this link to see what she has to offer:


  1. It's Bruce. It was Bruce. It is Bruce. It will always be Bruce. He can change his name to Fred for all it matters, because he'll always be a Bruce.

  2. Jenner will never, ever be Governor of California. You vastly underestimate the hatred for Republicans out here. CA is a one party ruled state. The Dimmies could run a trained monkey for Governor and win. Wait, they already did...

  3. Would Jenner be any worse than Arnold was???

  4. We'll see won't we. They'll hate him for being Republican but love him'her for being a trannie...


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...