Saturday, April 17, 2021

There are times when I need a good laugh. This isn't one of them.

 This is one of those days when the only thing to do is to drink heavily. I'm in... 

I had five Mondays in a row this week.


Like I said this morning - No amount of bad shit happening to this scumbag would ever be too much. He may be talented, but he's a bitter, mis-guided asswipe liberal who needs to just shut the fuck up and go away.


Jimi Hendrix' passport. Wuddya think that'd be worth?


Nicci certainly did have a lot of different looks to her. Amazing woman.


Another 'man of god' proves himself to be nothing more 
than a merely mortal jackass.


She's probably a complete dooshbag in real life and we know her 'music' is fuckin' horrible, but she's gotta get with the program. She's gotta learn not to fuck with the script.


What an amazing difference this
 thing made at our house.

These things work great. Try one for yourself.
There's more information about how these work right here. 
Click on the above picture or this link:


Even Biden, the limp-dick brain-dead fuck that he is should fire her ass for saying stupid shit like that, but he won't.

Eh - wuddya gonna do, huh?

The craftsmanship alone.




File this under 'Payback's a motherfucker'.

Lizbeth Mass, a 52year old woman from City Island, NYC, was shot and killed on Wednesday by 66-year-old Jose Reyes , a handyman who had become friendly with her and would sometimes bring her lunch. They'd become friends but on Wednesday, he shot her six times after she introduced him to her boyfriend, Dwayne Walker. In the chaotic aftermath of the killing, Walker got into his car and mowed down Reyes. He hopped out of the vehicle and it rolled back, hitting Reyes again, while no one was driving. he should ran him over 50 times.



And then ya got this crazy fuck:

Check out this crazy motherfucker. This wild man - Pier Shelton, opens fire and shoots three Georgia police officers with an AK-47 before cops return fire and kill the stupid fuck. Wuddya figure this redneck was smokin' before this shitstorm started?

Michelangelo sculpted a tiny muscle in Moses' forearm that is only visible when the pinky finger isin the  raised position. It has to be level of genius you and I will never understand to do something like that, and more importantly, to think of doing something like that.


These are both my 'go-to' cordlesses. I keep 
two sets of these in the truck with me at all times.

At $ 159.00 for the 20v set along with the charger and the bag, 
this is one helluva deal.  See it for yourself here:




Guys - Mother's Day is coming up in a few weeks. 
How about something for your wife or your Mom? 
The jewelry my wife makes is not expensive and 
it will make a really nice gift for someone special to you. 

Click on the picture for information about this item

Click on the picture for information about this item
 If you order this week you'll certainly get it delivered by May 9th.
See all that she has to offer - including earrings and necklaces -
 in her 'store' by clicking on this link:

If ya need me later, you know where I'll be...

I don't day-drink very often, but I sure as fuck am gonna be today. This week fuckin' blew.



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Take a shot this one, Auntie...