Friday, April 2, 2021

If you missed it, we celebrated tonight with some very special Easter - I mean Playboy - bunnies.

 They were a special group of woman indeed...



Of course now, all we have is Covid Bunnies. Yikes.

Just an aside from me: 
I see more and more of you guys are coming directly to the blog instead of linking from other blogs and sights. That makes me VERY happy. Thanks to all of you, and I'll keep trying to keep it fresh and silly and stupid and entertaining as best I can. 



  1. Sure would be a shame if MLB were to become as popular as the NBA, eh???

    1. Baseball is the only 'game' I follow. We lose this to the 'wokers' and we as a society are fuckin' doomed. It is the 'American Game'. I hope there's a backlash.


Damn near perfection...