Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Continuing a theme is rarely a good idea, but this is baseball ferfucksake.

 So many great things have come out of baseball and now they're screwing with it... 


The mind works in spectacular ways...

Stephen Wiltshire is a British artist with autism. He was flown around New York City in a helicopter, and then proceeded to draw the entire city, by memory, on an 19 ft long canvas.


How frikkin' cool would it be if people 
in Denver boycotted the game and didn't go?

U.S elevations graphically displayed. Sometimes you really can't factor things properly without context.




This is a great idea - plugs in to any outlet...

 Grab a couple. You can have charge-ability in every room of the house.
Find it here for only $ 14.00 bucks each:

There was a time - and it wasn't that long ago - that I really didn't like this guy, but ever since the British media started pissing on his campfire, the guy's come out swinging and hitting hard. Well played indeed, sir...

Dutch Shultz , prohibition beer baron,  met his demise in the Palace Chop House, 12 East Park St., Newark , N.J. The restaurant served as his headquarters. I always thought he was a Chicago guy, and I fuckin' grew up in Newark. I'm an idiot I guess.

Union soldier Charles Merrill was saved from a musket ball by his Bible at the Battle of Chancellorsville. When he wrote to Lincoln about the incident, the President sent him a new Bible with his signature inside.






Because we're idiots, that's why...


Because I'm an idiot, that's why...


This is the constellation Orion. As it fades in to the springtime western sky, so do the relationships I've  always associated with it...

A really good Bluetooth speaker and it's still on sale. 
I know for a fact how good it is - I have the same one and I use it at work. The sound - and the volume - you get from this is amazing.



Published in 1946, this photo shows Werfel, an orphan, 
receiving his first pair of shoes as a part of the Red Cross' 
post-war relief effort.



Thinking about getting a nice gift 
for your wife or girlfriend? 

The jewelry my wife makes is not expensive and it will 
make a really nice gift for someone special to you. 

Click on the picture for information about the items above.

Click on the picture for information about this item
There's a large variety of items that she makes that are available on her Etsy 'storefront'. See all that she has to offer in her 'store' by clicking on this link:



  1. Well I'm afraid Joe D's adage about rich kids not making MLB is partially no longer true, especially for white boys. A lot of young white ballplayers come from well to do households. It costs a frickin' fortune sending them to those exclusive camps
    Well Paul Pierce just proved the old saying "what's the use of being one if you can't act like one!"

    1. Everything I've ever read about Joe D points to him being a bit of a dick

    2. Especially the book that Creamer? wrote. Sounds like a class A J/O

  2. Nicci is beautiful, but my choice of 'all time' is still Sophia Loren.
    Tight race with Jaclyn Smith in there as well. Cheers ...


Okay - what's her name?

She was here before, but nobody guessed correctly...