Friday, April 30, 2021

Were you a dolt like I was in college?

 When I was in college electricity had just been invented, so we were still pretty much in the dark about what to do with girls if we got them in to our dorm rooms... 


A new study finds university students in coed housing are 2.5 times more likely to binge drink every week. And no surprise, they're also likely to have more sexual partners, the study found. Wasn't the case when I was in school. 





I'm a sucker for that pose. I admit it.

42 percent of students in coed housing reported binge drinking on a weekly basis. 18 percent of students in gender-specific housing reported binge drinking weekly. I was lucky if I had enough money for a couple of beers on the weekend.





Senior girls always scared me




I know college kids in co-ed dorms like to play beer pong, that's for sure. We sure as fuck  didn't have co-ed dorms, and we didn't know any games like beer pong, but then again - we didn't really need to play games to get hammered...








See - that's just unfair. 
My parties never get there...






Thinking about getting a nice gift for Mother's Day 
for your wife, daughter or your Mom? 
Mother's Day is next weekend in case you forgot...
The jewelry my wife makes is not expensive and it will 
make a really nice gift for someone special to you. 

Click on the picture for information about this item

Click on the picture for information about this item
 See all that she has to offer in her 'store' by clicking on this link:

And hey - ya can't fault a guy for trying to help his wife sell her stuff, right?



Keep dreamin' pal, just keep dreamin'...


These are dangerous times we're living in.

 A simple question for Mr. Biden.
 Wuddya gonna do when the well runs dry?

The Six Trillion Dollar man is hell bent on breaking the financial back of this country. But to what end? He honest to god can't be that stupid not to know that what he's proposing is fiscally disastrous and socially impossible. 
So keep asking the question - why are they/is he doing this? Do they really want this country to be destroyed from within? There's no logical answer is there...




Boy ain't that the frikkin' truth. The 70's were 
absolutely the best decade I've lived through 
(and just barely I might add).




“Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when 
we must choose between what is easy and what is right.

- Albus Dumbledore”       



That's subtle. I like subtle.

In spring 1945, Soviet and American troops were inexorably moving towards each other, smashing the remains of the Third Reich from opposite directions. A meeting between the Allies was inevitable, and it finally happened on April 25 on the Elbe River, not far from the city of Torgau in northwestern Saxony. This remarkable event became known as Elbe Day.


If you - or anyone you know - suffers from Gout
you really need to know about this supplement.

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. 

Click on the picture of the new bottle or  this link for even more info:




Meanwhile, back up in Jersey...




This is how your shit gets from China to here. Here's a ship waiting to cross through the Panama Canal. Ya tend to forget how big these fuckers are...

She knew exactly what she had 
and how to use it.




What an amazing difference this
 thing has made at our house.

These things work great. Try one for yourself.
There's more information about how these work right here. 
Click on the above picture or this link:


Need I say it again?

A eight-second vid of the coolest river lock you ever saw. 
It's called the 'Falkirk Wheel'. It's in Scotland.



Ya need a church and a bible to figure 
this shit out? I hope not.

Ann-Margret riding a chopper outside of Las Vegas, sometime around 1969 - the 'Easy Rider' kinda days. I betcha she was pretty high maintenance, but she was also probably a lot fun to wrestle with, even though you'd probably havta work a lot harder at it than most guys are willing to do. Juss' sayin'...

Shares of Lyft, Uber and DoorDash dropped Thursday after Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh told Reuters in an interview that gig workers should be classified as company employees.

Didn't take 'em long to start fucking with private sector businesses, did it?






Know who the guitar player is?

Man - that'd scare ya outta the room bookoo quick.

Whatever kinda music or podcasts you're listening to, 
this is a really good Bluetooth speaker and 
it's still on sale for under $ 26 bucks. 

I know for a fact how good it is - I have the same one and I use it at work. 
The sound - and the volume - you get from this is amazing.



The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...