Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Ya know where I wanna be when I grow up? If you do let me know.

 Because I have no idea. I hope I'm at a ball game on a sunny Sunday afternoon, drinkin' beer, yelling at the Umps and eating bad $6.00 hotdogs. That's my idea of fun... 





“Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from 
playing the game!”
- Babe Ruth       

For the record, a 'screened patio' and a lanai are the same thing. 
And our three are Manny, Mo and Jack, juss' so ya know...


She's a leftover from last night's Daisy Dukes thins. If you didn't see that, you missed something special.



This woman. Good god. Where's my bat?




This is the knife I carry every day of my life. 

Take a look at this knife and see if it wouldn't 
be the perfect pocket knife for you also:


This just in from the STOP MAKING 



“The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good and that could be again.”
- James Earl Jones 

I'm sure you've seen some pictures of this somewhere and didn't understand why they did this. They call this pattern 'Dazzle Camouflage'. 
It was painted on ships in WWI to make it hard for enemies (the Germans specifically) to distinguish from a distance where the front or back of the ship was. This made it harder to guess direction and speed, which were important when aiming torpedoes.

Starts this week. I'm probably gonna go over on Monday or Tuesday. Daytona's an hour from me here.

We usta say 'ya snooze, ya lose'. Now it's more like 
'In hurry and off the ferry'. Juss' sayin'...


“No matter how good you are, you’re going to lose one-third of your games. No matter how bad you are you’re going to win one-third of your games. It’s the other third that makes the difference.”
- Tommy Lasorda        

Could you enjoy a dinner in a place like this? 
I honestly don't know if I could...


Click on the picture or the link below:



Even Billy Joel agrees rules are for suckers....

It's seriously hard for me to believe that shit like this had to happen during my own lifetime. It's sad, really. Some people wanna keep jamming this shit down our throats again. 
Here's an idea - why don't you dig up your father's father's father and beat the shit outta him? Maybe then you'll leave me the fuck alone. Juss' sayin'...


“Love is the most important thing in the world, 
but baseball is pretty good, too.”
- Yogi Berra        








Ever considered this as an art form?



Do you keep a First Aid kit in your vehicle? 
It's only $ 25 bucks, so why not?

This is a pretty good one - take a look:

Comes complete with a FREE Bonus 32-Piece Mini First Aid Kit


"If the people don’t want to come out to the ballpark, nobody’s going to stop them."
- Yogi Berra        

The article I read said this gravestone was  commissioned by a widow supposedly 'to express her eternal and unbound love for her deceased husband'. 
I call bullshit. I say she did it so he'd go crazy for eternity knowing there was a naked chic on top of him that he couldn't get his hands on. See? Perspective's a bitch. Juss' sayin'...

This guy lives a few blocks away from me. If ever there was an argument for legal name change this guy is the poster child for the cause. Can you imagine the kinda friggin' abuse he took in high school for that name? Jeezzzzzz...





  1. You're right about the Brit Royals, for some reason our country seems to have a never ending infatuation with them, I don't get it either. But they are a draw anyway
    Your neighbor Jurkofsky, that is bad. I had a family near us years ago named Zero, I thought that was bad!

  2. Ratcheting wrenches are one of those tools that I wondered what I did before I had them. On my first set the head was angled and there was a lever to determine on or off, I lost the 1/2" and replaced it with a wrench that was flat, you turned the wrench over to reverse the direction... not as good as the angled head & lever.

    1. My set has been a lifesaver for me when I do plumbing work...

  3. Tow other tools that I wondered what I did before I had them were battery operated drill/driver and a miter saw.
    I bought a 10" miter saw at one of the big box stores as an impulse buy, it was there & I had the cash in my pocket. After I set it up in the garage where it was easy to get to I started using it and I used it a lot!

  4. Daytona Beach for Bike Week? Surely you are going to hit Sopotnick's while you are over there...

    And only three lizards in your Florida room? What are you doing to keep the REST of them out???

    1. We have a cat. The three that are there are VERY fast. The others weren't...

  5. Utz potato chips and Mattress Warehouse, must be Camden Yards.

    1. that was my call too. beautiful park, suckass city.

  6. Hey Joe--
    Here's the story of the ferry flyer. You can hear the tires squeal in the vid.
    It happened 16 September 2016 on the Protoporos IV ferry at the pier in the port of Crimea. The driver survived but his Lada Priora was totaled.

    1. I saw it happen off of the ferry between St. Thomas and St. John (where I usta live) around 1992 or thereabouts but there's no video of it. An idiot tourist in a rental jeep. A good time was had by all - except the driver...

    2. Here are two other images of the stone fox that I thought was photoshopped. Can't find the story, looks like it dates to 2008.

    3. I can almost see my wife doing shit like that just to bust my balls...


What - a doll...