Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Tonight we had a mini Daisy Dike Fest. Did you miss it? Here's Part Two for ya...

 Here's some samples of what we enjoyed tonight... 









 A great little device to keep in the car or truck. 
Just leave it on the dashboard and you're always good 
to go with power to spare.  

Click on the picture or the link for more information.




Ahhh. Kelly. Thank you...








  1. I'm confused! Daisy DIKE? Are all these fine looking ladies lesbian? I mean, did you mis-spell Duke or Dyke?

  2. You had me worried there with that heading! Did not know what to expect, so started scrolling down v-e-r-y slowly...

  3. Hard to believe it took you guys so long to catch that. Well played none the less...


Okay Auntie - last time. If I don't getcha this time I surrender...

If you  get this, I'll know for sure you're using photo-manipulating  software. Juss' sayin... ...     Here's a great idea f...