Friday, March 5, 2021

Sooner or later there may be another COVID outbreak that causes another run on toilet paper. Don't worry about it.

 By the time the Democ-rats get done spending and printing money, it'll be cheaper to just wipe your ass with ten dollar bills... 



Starts today - I'm going over Monday I hope.


How can Joe take credit for this? (Asking for a friend)

A third stimulus check is in the 'Covid relief bill'. 

They're saying that if you lost your job or your income fell during the pandemic, filing your taxes immediately will ensure you get the maximum payment. 
These people could fuck up a one-car funeral. How they gonna manage that? Juss' sayin'...

Speaking of wiping yer ass, this'd have ya
 shittin' yer drawers for sure...

Imagine you're going down to the lake to take a quick dip because it's 120 degrees where you live. 
Ya get to the lake, strip down to your skivvies and go down to the water's edge and ya see this - a daddy croc wading near the shore as more than 100 of his month-old children jump on his back for safe passage. I read that this is a male freshwater 'Gharial' in the water of northern India's National Chambal Sanctuary.

Don't mess with Texas, Joe. 
You'll get yer ass whooped.


Don't so a Google Image Search. 
Know who she is? It's not Greta Garbo.
She's pretty, but not that pretty...


If you ever want to fully understand just how incredibly fuckin' retarded the liberals in California are, ya just havta read this one article in today's paper:


We usta call 'em 'fuck me pumps'...


This is the knife I carry every day of my life. 
Why don't you carry one also?

Take a look at this knife and see if it wouldn't 
be the perfect pocket knife for you also:

This dog is said to have flown 12 combat missions, gained 8 battle stars, saved his owner from artillery fire, performed on live TV and more. Who's ghonna say he didn't?


I guess he just wanted to be left alone.

McDermott's Castle is located on Castle Island, in Ireland. It was destroyed and burnt down when it was struck by lightning. Now tell me God doesn't have a twisted sense of humor.

Crash and burn, motherfucker...


Why and how does Religion fuck you up?

Why a Prominent Group of Catholic Bishops Is Objecting to the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Right after the FDA approved Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot COVID vaccine this week, leaders of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a warning: “The approval again raises questions about the moral permissibility of using vaccines developed, tested, and/or produced with the help of abortion-derived cell lines.”
Some officials made even stronger pronouncements. The archdiocese of New Orleans described the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as “morally compromised.” The deeply conservative bishop of the diocese of Tyler, Texas, in November called on Catholics to reject all three approved vaccines as “not morally produced.”

This is for the guy who commented about going to Sopotnicks. No one ever goes there during Bike Week - it's too crowded...


Have too much money?
Get one of these for yourself:

New TV hides under the floor then pops out 
and unfolds to a 165 inch screen


Just like the one in the movie 'Big'. Every time you put a quarter in to it, it gives you a different answer...


Click on the picture or the link below:



Yet another example of how these self-serving scumbags will 'protect' themselves, but couldn't give a fuck about me and you. Think Portland and Seattle and Milwaukee. You know what I mean.






Great tool bags. 
I have a couple of them.

Get a couple for yourself here at a great price:


Yogananda. Yup - that's her 'name. Yogananda.
And I'm SURE she's qualified for the job. Yup. Sure.





Coleslaw wrestling is one activity that sets Sopotnick's Cabbage Patch Bar in Daytona Beach apart from the rest.

This  guy wears some outfits, don't he? I always thought that TWA was the Pope's personal airline. 
You know - TWA - 'Top Wop Aboard'...


Need a gift for a loved one? 
Jewelry is a great idea.

Click on the picture for information on this item.

Click on this link to see all she has to offer:




  1. The former owner of a barbershop in Mt Vernon, Ohio, had that exact same poster in his shop window for many years. I believe the new owners saved it and have it in storage.

  2. Hey, Bike Week without cole slaw wrestling just ain't REAL Bike Week!!!

    And they ain't about to let anyone cole slaw wrestle in downtown Daytona Beach...


Here's the UK fucking us out of more money again...

And the EU isn't far behind with a similar 'Travel Fee' starting next year. Okay, it's only $ 12.90 per person at today'...