Saturday, March 13, 2021

Remember what Saturday mornings were like when you were a kid?

 I was lucky growing up. There was never anything 'typical' happening in our house... 

The one constant, however, was the
 Saturday Morning Cartoons on TV.





Cory Booker (D-NJ) says it’s now time for a “truth” and “healing” commission to explore “systemic racism” in America. The undistinguished, bat-shit fuckin' crazy junior senator tweeted out his support for the concept on Thursday.

I am not overstating anything when I say we are getting closer and closer to socialistic/communistic government every single fuckin' day these crazy bastards are in power. The can and will try to limit what you say and do about just about everything. Be very careful here, Skippy.

If you can name them all you're at least as old 
as dirt and almost as old as I am. Juss' sayin'...

This bullshit started when the Mayor of Portland asked for an very slight increase in funding for the Portland PD. This shit was allowed to go on for so long - thankfully the cops are starting to fight back. Hopefully, some of the detainees were injured as a result.

NASA Perseverance Rover’s first tracks on Mars. Does your cable system 
or streaming service give you access to the NASA Channel? I'm addicted to it.


This is a great idea - plugs in to any outlet...

Find it here for only $ 13.00 bucks today - grab a couple:

Yeah. Tell me there wasn't at least one of these in someone's bedroom when you were a kid.

And, finally, some good news.

The Texas Rangers will allow 100% capacity -masks required- at Globe Life Field for Opening Day.

How about this friggin' dooshbag? Gregory Stevens, 27, faces a number of charges after this video circulated on social media showing him assaulting the driver of a Mitsubishi SUV and holding a gun. 
He was charged for offenses including the felonies of aggravated assault and criminal mischief, as well as a number of gun related offenses. 
Stevens also faces unrelated charges for attempted murder after he is alleged to have shot a pharmacist while demanding 'Oxys' on February 22.




What? You thought I put this thing together every day?





This is my pocket knife. Do you carry one? 
If ya don't ya should. 

The knife is available here for only $ 21.50 today. 
Where the hell ya gonna find a deal this good?  

See it for yourself here:

Somebody is apparently pretty pissed off Jennifer Lopez performed at President Biden's inauguration - they've been flooding LAPD with 911 calls to her home ever since then. There have been at least 15 calls made to cops about J Lo's L.A. area crib for everything from loud music and people fighting to a man and woman arguing.
PS: She broke up with A-Rod after they were engaged for two years. I'm starting to think she's a bit of a fuckin' whack-job and probably incredibly high maintenance.

That's what my father usta cart us around in. What a great car.

Bernie really is just a miserable, cranky old frikkin' commie scumbag. He REALLY needs to shut the fuck up and go away...


One of the world's largest uncut diamonds. It is worth about $ 52 million dollars. I must be fucked up for not understanding how a friggin' rock - A ROCK - could be worth so much. Juss' sayin'...


I never noticed it as a kid, but Natasha's 
got quite the friggin' rack workin...

I'm not always easily impressed. This is impressive.

The $32.5000,000 Miami mansion either J.Lo or A-Rod will have to give up. Honest to god I couldn't live day-to-day in a place like that. Gimme a fuckin' log cabin every day over that opulent bullshit.



There is, of course, always this to consider:






On the beach in Malibu back in the 50's. Looks like she's checking Fakebook on a cell phone, don't it?



They have some pretty cool one-hitter pipes 
on Amazon, and they're not all that  expensive.



  1. First off today it is do not trust anyone aunder 30. 2nd I hope that the girl got up and cracked that stool over the head of the bitch. and any house so large that the floors cannot be swept/mopped in 30 minutes is too big. Oh and Natasha. I once refered to my boss as "Fearless Leader" in a company e-mail. He actually had to have it explained and he is only 1 year younger than me.

  2. Sure is a shame that Bernie would never consider saying the same thing about his buddy George Soros, or Mark Zuckerberg. I wonder why???


Hopefully, this is the last time I use this...

The Biden administration announced Friday the approval of $4.28 billion in additional student loan relief for 54,900 borrowers across the co...