Saturday, March 6, 2021

Drinking games all can play. Even if we're by ourselves - but what fun is that?

 Drinking games can be a whole lot of fun with the right people. Especially if they involve getting naked. If you're all alone, it's be kinda creepy... 

Here's a game I like to call 
'Crack open the can and guzzle'.

No cheating. Chug that bitch.

God I love that pose...


The Spin the Bottle drinking game takes your childhood crush and replaces that hot girl you had a crush on and replaces her with a shot of serious liquor.

Equipment needed:

1 empty glass bottle
A round table
Enough alcohol to line the edge of the table


Spin the Bottle requires A LOT of alcohol, as depicted in the setup. We recommend trying to line the entire table that you'll be using with various types of alcohol, from quarter-beers to shot glasses full of any kind of liquor. Once the alcohol is setup, pick an order to spin, and begin.


The Spin the Bottle drinking game has very few rules. If anything, it's more of a team game, as you should encourage each other to stick with it and continue spinning until all the alcohol from that round has been drank up. The only way to lose is to quit!

Skipping Turns: 

You're allowed to skip turns so long as the next person in line is willing to spin the bottle for you and take the drink. This does not count as their turn & will still need to spin again. It's also important to point out that once the bottle is spun, you must drink what it lands on. You can't pass off a drink to someone else just because it landed on the one shot of Everclear, so man up! 


You can buy the 'Professional' version here:

Of course there's a different version of 'Spin the bottle' you can play if three of you neighbors just happen to be 18 year old Russian porn stars, but that's a story for another day...


Of course's always the good old standby...


Flip, Sip or Strip

This is a perfect one for you and any significant other yo can con into playing. All you need is a coin and a bunch of drinks. Take turns flipping the coin. If you guess wrong, you either have to take a sip of your drink or take off an article of clothing. By the end you'll either be drunk or naked or both.

James Bond Drinking Game

Everyone loves watching James Bond movies and now you can get drunk while you do. The game is pretty simple. Every time someone says “James” in the film, take two sips. Every time someone says “Bond,” take two sips. Every time someone says “James Bond,” finish your drink. That alone will get you sufficiently loaded, but just wait until that iconic line, “The name's Bond. James Bond.” That's when you have to chug an entire beer. Let's just say you won't be blowing double Os after this one.

Medusa - the drinking game:

The video is all guys. I strongly recommend playing the game with all girls. Juss' sayin'...

You need a pretty good sized crew for this one and a round table preferably. Cover the table in shots or other drinks, the best is jello shots. Everyone sits around the table looking down and on the count of three, looks up at someone. If the person you are looking at is not looking at you, you're safe, but if you find yourself staring into someone else's eyes, you both have to drink. Keep playing until all the drinks are gone.

A great pair of jeans for under $ 15.00 bucks?
It's legit - wouldn't lie to you.

Rustler makes a great pair of pants for a ridiculously low price. See for yourself here - there's plenty of styles and sizes to choose from:

Drunken Artists drinking game: 

Last but certainly not least, this is a great game for a dinner party. Each round, someone new is the timer. This person whispers a word to the drawer. On a large pad of paper, the drawer must draw that word to the best of their ability. Everyone else shouts out guesses as to what the drawing is. When someone guesses it, the timer stops the clock. 
For every 20 seconds it took before someone guessed it, the drawer has to take a gulp of their drink. So one minute would be three gulps. If people give up guessing because your artwork is a little too abstract, you have to do a shot. Then it's someone else's turn to be the drawer. Best be good at drawing if you don't want to get totally shitfaced.

There's always 'Flip the cup' 
but it's kinda stupid...

Unless you can get her to play the game like this:


You can always get drunk and screw...



Whenever ya can't come up with something cool or original, it's always a good idea to just go back to what you know works.





This is a great idea - plugs in to any outlet...

 Grab a couple. You can have charge-ability in every room of the house.
Find it here for only $ 14.00 bucks:


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