Monday, March 1, 2021

Don't shoot the messenger, but - I gotta show ya this.

 I know it's gonna break Southside's heart, 
but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do... 





This is Nicole Pissari when she was modelling - what an absolute stunner. Absolutely in my top five. 
Like Tony,I'm smitten, but time is sometimes a cruel master. It takes it's toll  on all of us...

There's a video there but ya might wanna grab some tissues 
before you watch, Tony, 'cause it'll make ya cry...

I'll have some more new Nicci - when she 
WAS modelling - around cocktail time.


  1. Yikes!!!! I'm betting she married a freaking hillbilly. Those no good bastages love marrying great looking broads and then fattening them up so no one else want's them. Jeez what a waste!!

  2. Well I just took the time to watch that film. At least it sounds like she'd like to do something about this issue. Let's all wish her luck and say a prayer for her recovery. From the looks of things though the prayers are going to have to a couple of Rosary's at least and probably toss in a Stations of the Cross

    1. What a nice Catholic boy you are.

    2. When you we had to say them every day and go to church everyday before,school it’s a hard habit to wash out of your system . No longer a church goer however a Power of Mary believer. Sorry if I let you down

    3. Thank god they didn't make us go to mass every day. I'm just a good failed catholic after all...


Houston, we have a problem...

 Seein's as how it almost hardly damn near never snows in  the City of Houston, when it does, they're kinda fukt ...     The last ti...