Wednesday, February 3, 2021

It was very nice of the Bidens to pay their respects to Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick as officer lies in honor at Capitol.

 It's kinda fuckin' sick that they kept the dude on ice for three weeks so they could do this dog and pony show at the start of the Impeachment bullshit... 

President Biden on Tuesday evening paid respects to the late U.S. Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick, who was fatally wounded in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
Biden and first lady Jill Biden arrived at the U.S. Capitol around 10 p.m. Tuesday to pay respects to Sicknick as he lay in honor in the Rotunda. The fallen officer’s remains were transported in an urn to the Rotunda earlier Tuesday evening. The president and first lady, both wearing face masks, stood before the urn for several moments and put their hands over their hearts. Biden made the sign of the cross. 



That's pretty funny - 'Nothing much changes for us'...


The players wanna play. It's that simple. The owners offered them full season pay to play later with a shorter season. They said fuck you - let's play ball. I like that. I'm ready...


Murder rates saw a “historic” increase in 2020 compared to 2019, with more than 1,200 additional killings year-over-year in a sample of 34 American cities. That's fascinating, considering we were all supposed to be hunkered down hiding from a virus that was gonna kill us. These people said 'Fuck that - I'm gonna go kill something myself'. What the fuck is wrong with our society anymore?

Dun't matter - shooters juss' gotta shoot. Know what I sayin'?

Truthfully, I don't wanna live anywhere where ya can't own - and carry - a gun. Fuck that. That's where only the jerkoffs have pieces. No thanks.

The link is for the black version - there are other colors available. Find it here:

Yesterday at a red light. Tell me if you see it. 

I wasn't aware there was a war going on, were you? Evidently, according to THE HILL, in the battle for the future of the Republican Party, there are two competing power centers: one is former President Trump, the other Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
I'm starting to believe that there is just entirely too much political discussion these days. Am I wrong?

From my Fakebook memories thing yesterday.


People who've already had COVID-19 (like me) may develop 10 times as many antibodies after a single vaccine dose - a sign they might need only one shot.  

That may actually make me go get a shot. The VA is doing them as a first-come thing today. That's gonna be a gigantic cluster fuck.


The majority of what this bonehead will do will be to try and un-do what DJT put in place. You know, all the shit that worked that made the country great again? Yeah - that shit.

I don't get it and it's still funny. Sorta.

Is this guy the single most despicable cocksucker in the country? If he's number two, I honestly don't wanna know who number one is.


Finally - a little tiny bit of good news 
for the man.

A complete cleaning kit for all long and 
hand guns at a great price.

 A kayaker paddles in front of an Aircraft Carrier docked at a Naval Base. That gives you a bit of perspective, doesn't it? How the fuck do you ever create a plan set for something that fuckin' humongous? 


Poor guy - he can't get a break...




I don't know anybody who ever got hurt with these, do you?

Embattled NY State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker was blasted by Democratic lawmakers in a virtual meeting amid continuing controversy over the state’s nursing home death toll from COVID-19. Several members of the state Assembly called Zucker a “liar” during the video conference call — and he was even referred to as Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s “puppet.”
I think that's fuckin' hilarious. I really do.

I should get going. Have a look 
at this little tidbit:


This is a really comfortable work shoe. 

Find 'em here at a really good price:





Four days after the electoral college certified Joe Biden's presidential victory, then-President Donald Trump, his legal team and several White House advisers had an election fraud meeting in the Oval Office that delved into shouting and swearing match. The heated confrontation took place over six hours, first as aides faced off against each other around the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office before it continued upstairs in the Yellow Oval Room, the president's private living room in the White House residence. Axios revealed the details of the December 18th showdown as part of its 'Off the Rails' series, examining the final days of Trump's presidency. 



As always, save the best for last.


Time is getting short, guys...
Why not take a minute and look at the jewelry my wife makes? It's not expensive and it's really nice stuff.

You still have time to find something
 nice for your wife or girlfriend and 
get it delivered for Valentine's Day

There's a lot more different items of her jewelry available on Etsy. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere! 
See some for yourself by clicking on any
 of the pictures above or click here:




  1. Okay I give,what's in the back of the truck that I'm not seeing?

  2. If you spot the word "Hemi" anywhere in that last photo, you just might be Gay. (Same goes for the girl photo-bombing behind the hood)
