Monday, January 4, 2021

'Experts' say a lot of stupid shit about a lot of stupid shit, don't they?

 It might be that it's just that the media has nothing else to talk about, so they drag up some no-name, and call him an 'expert' on some bullshit... 
Maybe they should all just shut the fuck up.


It's no wonder so many people are freaked the fuck out over this thing. The media is relentless.

If have nothing to say, say it anyway. That's CNN's motto.


And this guy needs to go the fuck away 
and never come back, the flip-flop midget fuck.


This is the Milky Way above the Teide Observatory in Tenerife, Spain. Teide is an astronomical observatory on Mount Teide operated by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias since 1964.
Could you imagine a more beautiful sight?
I can't. 
Tell me again about how God made the world is six days...




Honest to god don't know if this is legit or not.


Need a good small range bag 
at a great price? Here it is.

The link is for the black version. Find it here:


This is the world we live in now. It sure as fuck 
ain't my world or my Father's world.

The first photo is an iconic National Geographic Magazine Cover. I don't think there's a person in the world that does not know that picture - and what it means. 
The second is the December, 1969 cover celebrating humankinds' first walk on another heavenly body. Another iconic photo. 
The third picture is the January, 2017 Cover. It's a 'gender-switching' child. A 'gender-switching' kid. On the cover of National Geofuckin'graphic.


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will NOT be extradited to the US to face spying charges after a British judge says 'he would be a suicide risk in an American jail '.


Yeah - it was nasty fuckin' cold that year. All kindsa plants and shit died around the property.

At what point do you think these geniuses - in Jersey and anywhere, really - will realize that you can NOT legislate behavior? Only a moron can believe shit like that. Or a politician.

I say that to myself at least 20 times a day.

I agree with his sentiment, but this (all voting fraud aside) is the reason - the Numero uno reason - why he was not re-elected.

I gotta believe he was a really 
interesting dude to hang with.


This is the speaker I got for streaming music out in the lanai.  

The sound is amazing, and I can leave it out and not worry about weather. You can use it anywhere you want great sounding tunes...

You'll find it here:

I know it's some kinda rail line like a funicular, but I wonder what and where it is.

Now I haven't seen anything she's done in 35 or 40 years, but somehow this news blip made me feel five years older. I wonder why?



He just ain't helpin' his own cause, is he?

The original 'Ball Sack'.

Every new father's dilemna...

Don't look at me, asshole - you're the one's voted these fuckin' dickeads in to office. Juss' sayin'...

Another case in point right here:


Social distancing redefined for runners.

And anybody else ya wanna scare off. 
A perfect, simple to use self-defense device.

Find it here:
- or anyone else who needs to know they can be safe.

Now ya know full fuckin' well if ya leave it up to me 
I'm gonna leave you with this:



Shakespeare was right all along...


Just fuckin' shoot me now. Please. How does this jackass kid stay in the news? Who gives a fuck about anything about her?   

Is it Pumpkin Season again? I'm all in if it is.


Let's leave town on a permanent vacation...

Make Paradise our final destination...


Like what you're hearing here? 
There's so much more great drinkin' and drivin' Summertime music to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:








Now - more then ever - you should be taking 
a multi-vitamin. The one I take is a perfect example.

Buy them here much cheaper than at CVS

There really are some amazing offers and prices on Amazon, and I'm not shillin' at all. I'm  being honest. I just got a brandy-frikkin-new Gibson G-45 for myself for Christmas, and it was like 40% less than anywhere else I looked for it - swear to god. Here it is:

 What a wonderful, rich, full-bodied sound that guitar has. It really is like no other I've ever played.

See what you can find for yourself here:



  1. Well I guess I'm in the minority. I have no recollection of what that first Nat'L Geo photo is. Can you hel a fella out?

  2. Ms. Boebert's suggestion prevailing was a deadlock; there is no way Diane Feinstein was going to give up that .38 she's carried ever since she's been in DC.

  3. Thanks for the David Sanborn trip. I had forgotten about him until today. Best 1hr 40 plus of the last 12 months. Added him to the play list for the long road trips
