Sunday, January 3, 2021

Beer and babes on a Sunday night - no one lives better than us, do they?

Well, actually, probably a whole lotta people live better then us, but that's a story for another day... 




Give this a listen while you scroll down -
he's pretty damn funny...

Rodney knows what's best for ya...

Like what you're hearing here? 
There's a lot more great Country music & Comedy to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:




I like this a whole lot...


This is a serious carry case 
for serious shooters.

Take a look:

Yup. She's a keeper. No bitchin', either...


Very perky. Very much so...








She shows up in that dress and that suckers' on the floor behind the couch in 15 minutes.


Now - more then ever - you should be taking 
a multi-vitamin. The one I take is a perfect example.

Buy them here much cheaper than at CVS





Hey - lemme help ya with that...

There are some seriously good deals here - 
right click on the banner to open it in a new tab:










Social distancing redefined for runners.

And anybody else ya wanna scare off. 
A perfect, simple to use self-defense device.

Find it here:





This works great here in Florida.
Will it work where you live?

Got one a while back for the wife's car.  That's the one we do our road trips in. It's here if you're interested:






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I gotta make these tougher...