Sunday, December 6, 2020

Such drama. Such anger. Such pathos. Wait - pathos? WTF is that?

 I thought pathos was something you ordered at a Greek diner. What do I know? 
Shit's gettin' stupider by the day... 


Sittin' here lonely like a broken man...

I was a junior in High School when this song was released. I find it incomprehensibly fuckin' ridiculous that GFR is not in the R&R Hall of Fame, but I guess more than anything that speaks to how fuckin' stupid that place really is. ABBA is in it but not these guys. ABBA. Yeah.

Like what you're hearing here? 
There's so much more great drinkin' and reminiscin' 
real kick-ass rock to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:

Oh, and ABBA is there too.


Washington Square Park, summer of '69.

And this magnificent bastard 
at Woodstock, Summer of '69.

The gospel according to The Atlantic - a truly 
worthless rag if ever there was one...

There’s an on-the-shelf policy the Biden administration could enact unilaterally that would save millions of American lives, without costing the government a single cent on net.
That policy, one pushed for but never implemented by the Trump administration, is eliminating most nicotine from tobacco products. It would not render cigarettes illegal; they would still be available to adults, and the smoking experience would remain much the same. But the product would no longer be so addictive. Researchers have estimated that this policy change would enable 5 million adult smokers to quit within a year. The share of adults who smoke regularly would drop from roughly 15 percent to just 1 percent; 33 million fewer people would become smokers by the end of the century. It would save 8.5 million lives by 2100, at little public cost.

Note the emphasis on 'cost'. It's always only ever been about money - we know that. The fact that all state governments (with the exception of Virginia) use tobacco as a cash cow is a fact and we know it. 
If these fuckin' people really gave a shit, they'd ban smoking period. I smoke - I get it. (I am no quitter pal - juss' sayin').


This took me a while longer than it should have. I must be gettin' dim in my old age.

This guy's a lot funnier than he  gets credit for.  This is a great idea. Mike Baxter, meet Tim Taylor.
Last Man Standing is staging a Home Improvement crossover, of sorts, for its final season. Star Tim Allen will reprise his former TV role as the Taylor family patriarch and Tool Time host for a surreal Last Man Standing episode which has Allen playing both sitcom dads at the same time.
The episode’s setup: “The Baxters see double when Vanessa hires a home improvement repairman who bears an uncannily resemblance to Mike, who is struggling with an idea for his Outdoor Man 10th Anniversary vlog.”


A great idea to keep in the trunk.

Find it here:

Sunset in Santa Monica - yeah it's nice and all that, 
but I still wouldn't wanna live there.


There's a coupla things I miss about living up north. 
This isn't one of them:






In this December, 24, 1946 picture, last minute Christmas Eve shoppers gather in front of Macy’s window display in New York.

This is the speaker I got for streaming music out in the lanai. 
The sound is amazing, and I can leave it out and not worry about rain or snow. Only kidding about the snow...

You'll find it here:

Why do you suppose so many of these NYC employees don't wanna take it? Makes no sense - or maybe they know something we don't, huh?

More than half of New York City firefighters say they won’t be vaccinated for COVID-19 when the potentially life-saving shot becomes available to first responders in a matter of weeks, according to a new internal survey.
About 55 percent of 2,053 smoke-eaters polled in the last three days by their union, the Uniformed Firefighters Association, answered “No” when asked, “Will you get the COVID-19 Vaccine from Pfizer when the Department makes it available?” UFA President Andy Ansbro told The Post. The responses account for about 25 percent of the UFA’s 8,200 active members.

The stunning anti-vax response follows an August survey of MTA workers that showed only 30 percent of 645 respondents were definitely willing to be vaccinated. Thirty-eight percent were unsure and 32 percent said they would not take the vaccine




1969 was a great year for music,  no doubt it. 
Here's one of my favorites from that summer.

The Friends Of Distinction "Grazing In The Grass" 
on The Ed Sullivan Show

That's a great shot. The Wonder bar in Asbury Park
 has been around for a long, long time.

 This is terrific. It works on wifi and does everything my Echo tower does, but it also does video - live and streaming. Pretty cool - check it out:

But it's not because of what you think it is. 
Cop cars have nothing to do with this.

Fort Lauderdale, one of Florida’s biggest cities, has been declared the most unsafe in America according to a new survey from WalletHub (whoever the fuck they are - as if they're experts of some kind).
The credit and consumer reports website said the preponderance of negative weather events plus rising COVID-19 cases were responsible for the city’s poor ranking, not crime or a dangerous living environment. What a buncha pussies.
“Aside from the types of hazards that can cause bodily injury or other physical harm, taking out an unaffordable second mortgage, forgoing health insurance or even visiting unsecured websites are also ways people run into danger,” said WalletHub. “Some cities are simply better at protecting their residents from harm.” What the fuck is happening to this country? The pussification of America marches ever onward.
 Please ferfucksake.



Memories of 1969 - Where Were You ?

This is pretty good - it's about a half hour long. Bookmark it or save it somehow and watch it later when there's nothin' on TV.

Must be a really slow news day.


Here's my theory - see if you don't agree. These protesters are all mostly young, probably mostly unemployed (or unemployable more likely). This shit is allowed to happen because the cops have been told by their liberal civic leaders to stand down, so the shit rages on, exacerbated by these inane, never-ending lockdowns and restrictions. If the cops were allowed to do their jobs - and these addle-brained protesters actually had jobs - this shit wouldn't be happening. At least not as often and as destructive. Throw these fuckin' scumbags in jail fer a few months - let 'em take it u the ass a few times. That may turn 'em around. Juss' sayin'.


The news just keeps getting worser and worser.


If you - or anyone you know - suffers from Gout the same as I do, you really need to know about this supplement.

Black Cherry Concentrate does one thing - and one thing only. 
It breaks down Uric Acid in your system
 It does nothing else. It doesn't interfere with anything, it has no side effects or contra-indications with other drugs or supplements that I know of. It does just one thing. It knocks down the severity and frequency of gout flareups. I haven't had one in probably five or so years taking just two of these a day. It's a fucking god-send. Believe me. 
Click on this for even more info:


Dr. Fauci (we like to call him Mr. Goodnews) - the eminent mad genius from NHS - says the US will face 'surge upon surge' of COVID cases after the Holidays as 2,445 die, hospitalizations remain above 101K and the total death toll soars past 280K - with FDA not due to meet on vaccine approval until Thursday. 
If I had a dime for every time this guy came up with bullshit predictions, I'd be eating lobster for a week.

Barbara Stanwyck on the set of “Ball of Fire” in 1941. 
One of my all-time faves.

I have every reason to think this is not gonna end well.

I had a dog that stupid once.


The French philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941), who was a bit of a celebrity in his time, came up with an idea that can help us understand why time has felt so strange in the year of the pandemic: la durée.
Bergson argued that time has two faces. The first face of time is "objective time”: the time of watches, calendars, and train timetables. The second, la durée (“duration”), is “lived time”, the time of our inner subjective experience. This is time felt, lived, and acted.


Yeah - give her bail. She certainly won't beat feet 
to some hideaway somewhere.

I'll leave you with this image 
to burn in to your brain:



Randy Rhoades would have been 63 today. That dude could play. 
He co-wrote Crazy Train (my ringtone on my phone) with Ozzie. 



Take the pain out of gift shopping - 
Let's Santa's helpers do it the easy way!

Right click on this banner below and it will open in a new tab -
 you might find the perfect gift for your perfect someone:




  1. Come on now! Abba clearly has better breastworks than GFR.

  2. I always wondered why GFR aren’t inducted yet too. I mean it’s called the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and even Simon & Garfunkel are in. They’re so far removed from rockers that it’s a joke,mayqbe they should induct Barbara Streisand too. Are the Guess Who members? They ought to be, they rolled out at least a half dozen hits

  3. Listen to the words of American Woman. It's about the Statue of Liberty. Fuck them canooks.

    And Matt, at least Mar farner went topless...


The Manson Family versus Animal House? Really?

There is a really funny - and quite indepth - article on this very subject here: