Wednesday, December 16, 2020

I got carried away this morning. Not literally, thankfully.

 It's funny - if when I'm finished reviewing and editing the post, I think to myself, 'What the fuck were you thinking'? - I know it was a good one... 

And if she's happy, I'm happy. 

There's your girl Southside...
... '


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    What's the old saying about swimming through a river of shit...?

  2. I found it
    I'd swim through a river of shit with my mouth wide open just to suck the dick of the last guy you had sex with.........Well I think I'd have to re-think that one a bit now

    1. How did I get this old and never have to hear that one?

  3. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Number 11 is just barely thick enough for me !!!! Love the big boob gifs !!!!! ;))


An injun cartoon in Playboy? Of course they did...

...    Why do I do what I do here on the blog? Being able to present what my wife creates is the best reason  I have  for doing this, and be...