Thursday, December 17, 2020

Booze and snow - a bad combination?

 Not if you know how to 
handle both of them equally... 

Making the best of bad situations.











Christmas will be here next week.

Do your last-minute gift shopping and 
be sure to get it all on time from Amazon!

Right click on the banner below and it will open in a new tab:




On a totally different subject:

This may come as a shocker, but scientists are convinced that beer contains large amounts of female hormones. They reached this conclusion after a big scale research in over 40 countries all over the world. In total 2.356 men of different ages were observed, as they consumed large amounts of beer for twenty days. After and during this period 100% of all subjects showed the following symptoms.

They gained a lot of weight.

They talked a lot without making any sense.

They were no longer able to drive a car normally, while parking was a real disaster.

They showed a total lack of logic.

They seemed unable to admit they were wrong, even when they clearly were.

Each one of them thought he was the center of the universe.

They had a lot of headaches and weren’t up for sex at all.

They had (almost) no control over their emotions.

They started walking hand in hand or arm in arm.

They had to use the toilet constantly.

Sometimes they even had to sit down to urinate.

They completely lost sight of the value of money.

They got into fights over nothing.   


And on yet another different subject - 
Snow beer pong?


I'll pass on that and stick to the original idea - 
babes and beer...





Going out into the snow? These are good sweat socks 
and this is a really good price for them.  

Find 'em for yourself here:









Click on the picture:

From the 'must have' catalog: 




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