Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saturday Night Rule 5 - We're celebrating Brunettes tonight.

 I celebrate a brunette every night, 
but that's a story for another day... 



THAT is a great pose...




Take the pain out of gift shopping:
Right click on this banner and it will open in a new tab:





This is another great sale price if you're looking 
for a laptop for someone for Christmas...

The information on it is here:









You guys all know I love finding 
new geeky kinda stuff like this.

Buy one and throw it in the glovebox just for the fuck of it.




Let's have a cocktail or two with the girls...


That little tongue move gets me every time.




Well, one's a brunette, right?

My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 
free shipping to almost anywhere!

(A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Ya follow?)





Have a great night. If you missed today's earlier posts just scroll down or click on the 'Older post' link.


  1. SJ (with the Champaign bottle) tends bar in Wisconsin now, instead of modeling.

  2. Thank you so much for not tossing any of the Kardashians in this mix a/k/a the Porcupine Sisters

  3. we are now an official 'no kardashian' website


Be prepared - now they're coming for your burgers and steaks...

  When Donald Trump left office three yaesr ago, ground beef was 2.29 a pound and ribe eye steaks (no bone) were 8.99 a pound. Today, three ...