Saturday, November 21, 2020

I'm crazy. I've been whacked for a while just didn't know it.

I figured it out yesterday. I'm crazy and everyone else in the world is sane...  

There's no other way to explain how everything going on today is so fuckin' nutty.

This makes more sense to  me than
 the shit I see and hear every day.

But they don't have an agenda, huh?

The Largest White Castle in the World 
Is Coming to Florida

Bring White Castle to Florida has more than 10,000 likes on Facebook, but that's far from its greatest accomplishment. Created in 2010, the Facebook page steadily gained Sunshine State followers who hadn't lost hope that one day, White Castle just might hear their plea. Shortly before the page's ninth anniversary in 2019, America's first fast food chain made dreams come true, revealing that sometime soon, Floridians would finally get their wish.
"As a family-owned business, we’re always tuned in to what our customers and fans are saying—the devotion of the 'Bring White Castle to Florida' Facebook page definitely caught our eye". Almost a year after White Castle made the decision to erect a new store in Orlando, Florida, the chain finally followed up with more details.


And just so you know why I think I'm losing it?

NY's Cuomo to receive International Emmy for virus briefings

One of the biggest jerkoffs ever to hold elected office, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, is gonna get an 'International Emmy' award for his once-daily televised briefings on the coronavirus pandemic that killed tens of thousands of New Yorkers this spring.
The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, whose members include media and entertainment figures from over 60 countries and 500 companies, announced Friday it plans to present the award to the Democratic governor in a live-streamed show Monday.

This is Suzanne Pleshette. My second great love after Annette.

That's pretty frightening, isn't it? Found in a field in France.

If 2020 was a baseball game...

This is the American publisher Sylvia Beach standing in the doorway of her Paris bookshop “Shakespeare & Company”, during the 1920s. She - and her shop - gained recognition for being the only person willing to publish James Joyce’s Ulysses in the English language and her shop was regarded as a haven for American expatriates during the 1920s and 1930s including Hemingway and Fitzgerald, who were personal friends of Beach's. Hers is a wonderful story. 

We go through batteries like candy around here for some reason. I'm sure you do too, especially if  you have kids... 
I had no idea Amazon had their own branded batteries, and these have a 10-year shelf life.

MUCH cheaper than Harbor Freight or Walmart, and better quality too. There a bunch of different sized batteries and packages available. Find some for yourself here:

At no time have I seen one report about this that points to the ease and ability of people to get tested these days. Not once.

Here's some perspective for ya - The first interracial kiss ever on American TV took place 52 years ago tomorrow -  November 22, 1968 on Stark Trek. And you don't feel old. Yeah, ok...


Okay, so maybe I'm not a genius, but...

If you're doing a story on closing indoor bars why would you head it with a picture of an outside bar? 
Does that make sense to you ?

In the heart of The Village there lies a park.





Newark, NJ - my home town -  residents will be asked to stay at home for 10 days beginning the day before Thanksgiving in an attempt to slow the spread of the coronavirus in the state’s largest city, Mayor Ras Baraka said Thursday.

Because we're idiots, that's why...

On September 11, 2001 there was one American in space. This is the picture he took from the International Space Station

Good coffee at a really good price.
A damn fine combo if you have a Keurig.

Find it here:

A true classic Roman Beauty if ever there was one.

I've been convinced for a long time that you gotta be somewhere close to suicide if you actually watch shit like this on TV. I'd like to meet the guy that makes garbage like this in a bar someday. After I've had three or four beers.

Okay, lemme get this straight.  

You're gonna do mass testing, right? 
And with that many more people being tested, you're numbers are gonna sky-rocket just on the  basis of the testing, right? 
And when you see these explosive new numbers, that's gonna convince you that lockdowns work and you shut everything down again, right? 
Am I getting this straight because for a while there I actually thought (I know, crazy right) that you fuckin' guys had a clue what the fuck you were doing...


Well that's certainly upbeat, isn't it?
Thanks, Wall Street Journal for the rosy outlook.




Wuddya think - think you could live on that street? I sure as fuck could - and happily so ever after.

Why do they always look like that - 
like Diane Keaton should play them in the movie...

Standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona, and such a fine sight to see...

This is a real book if ya don't believe me...

You don't EVER have to pay $ 40 or more again for jeans - 
not when these are available...

Cheaper even than what you can get at any WalMart, Target, Kohl's or Rural King - and they're well made and durable. 
Did I mention they're less than $ 15.00?



I'm so old I can remember back to when you got nominated for something, it was because you knew shit. Nowadays ya just gotta have the right bloodline or skin color. Wasn't that the way it was back in like the friggin' King Arthur days?

That's kinda mercenary fucked up, ain't it? Juss' sayin'


Here ya go - I'll leave ya with this:



Here we go again. 
WTF is it with the fuckin' toilet paper?


Here's another great 'bug-out bag'

Find it for yourself here:





  1. Stuart Garfath, Sydney Australia.November 21, 2020 at 2:28 PM

    The two joined bullets were found at Gallipoli, Turkey, after WW1. Australian and New Zealand troops, ANZAC) troops landed on 25 April, 1915, but a tenacious defence by the Turks over the ensuing 8 months compelled the Allies to withdraw. The Turkish successes owed much to the military genius of their Commander, Mustafa Kemal, later, Ataturk,(The Father of Turkey), who became the President of Turkey.

  2. Can not find this RIDE SIDE BAR you talk about.....
    Is this a new accessory for a scooter?

    Asking for a friend.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kinda hard to believe it took someone more than a year to notice that...


Hello, sleepyhead...