Monday, November 23, 2020

Do as I say, not as I do, and other credos de jour

 I find it sadly humorous that the political party that spent the better part of four years rejecting the results of an election now wants to immediately accept this one... 




Here it is... The FIRST Painkiller poured at Soggy Dollar Bar since March 17th. The British Virgin Islands are open again (sorta).




In 1955, this tiny electric narrow gauge grain was installed in New York’s Holland Tunnel to monitor traffic speed.


Living in the land of 'Chuck you Farley'

More than two million people flocked to US airports this weekend ahead of Thanksgiving — despite health officials urging Americans to nix their travel holiday travel plans. Good for all of them.

This is Suzanne Pleshette in case you didn't know.

It really has become a frightening place to live. This jackass has completely hand-cuffed the NYPD and the scumbags are running amok in the City. It's sad, really, what they're letting him do there...

I bought two pairs of these and they are friggin' perfect - what a great deal. Fit just like the old 501's. You really gotta try 'em yourself...

I will NEVER ever pay $ 40 or more again for 
jeans - not when these are available...
Did I mention they're less than $ 15.00 a pair?



Yeah - I'd almost kill for a brand new one.

You know what the Brit pilot 
was trying to do, right?

Sometimes, no matter where you are, there you are...





C'mon Doc - tell us something we don't know, jeez. Why do these so-called professionals insist on talking to us like we're morons? 
Oh, that's right - they did just elect Joey B, didn't they? So they must ALL be morons... I get it.

Cardboard cutout people in the stands at college football games is almost the stupidest fuckin' thing I've ever seen or heard of. Almost. Juss' sayin'

This is a great idea - 
plugs in to any outlet...

 Grab a couple. You can have charge-ability in every room of the house.
Find it here for only $ 13.00 bucks:



I'm not reading into anything about why they'd be interested in going to the moon - are you? Nahhhhh...


Okay - anybody got any idea what 'normal' is anymore? 
Stop using that word, ferfuksake.


I know Andy pretty well. He's a good guy and a good cop. 
I'm glad to see him take a stand against this jackass.


The New York Times asking some pretty stupid fuckin' questions, really. They're illegals you jerkoffs, They're here illegally. That makes them criminals ferfuksake. What part of that don't they understand? Jeezzzz.

 I'll leave you with this:



These are good sweat socks - my wife buys 'em 
for me and this is a really good price for them.

Find 'em for yourself here:

And at some point, someone points out to them that deBlazio doesn't give a flying fuck what they're protesting about, and they all just go home and that's that. What a waste of friggin' time and effort. 
Seriously - WTF is up with all this protesting bullshit? People really do have way too fuckin' much free time these days.

That cracks me the fuck up. Seriously.



The world-famous cocktail lounge 'Joe's Lanai' at sunset yesterday afternoon. It was around 80 degrees with a light breeze. Eat yer hearts out...


Take the pain out of gift shopping:

Right click on this banner and it will open in a new tab:




If giving a gift card isn't 'personal enough', 
how about this? 

My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere!

My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

Pre-Christmas Sale going on right now - buy two or more items and get 20% OFF your entire order!

See some for yourself here:


  1. He is attempting to tip the v-1 over and into a spin. Joe where the dancing girls?

    1. That is correct Mr. Historybuffski. Which dancing girls do we speak of?

    2. The tall brunette and shorter blonde that you used to call "the girls".

    3. Gotcha - they're still here. Just on vacation...


Our friends at Twisted Hillbilly keep sending these young lovelies our way - they're the gift that keeps on giving...

...    Make her happy for Mother's Day. Buy her this bracelet. You still have time to get it for her...        Click on the picture for ...