Thursday, October 8, 2020

The weather's as weird as the politics these days - we need to go a little Rule 5...

 If it wasn't hot today where you are, let's see if we can't do something about that... 

It was almost 95 degrees here in Florida today - we need to jump on this caboose 'cause this train is an express train to Hooterville, baby. 


Girl fights are the best...


And there's always the patriotic thing...



I keep seeing these three goofballs running around in my bar. Or was that my dreams? Who cares...


Looking for a good soft-sided range bag?

Comes in black or tan - this is the black one. 
This may be perfect for you - take a look:







If you're also looking for a handgun cleaning kit that travels easily and won't cost you a fortune, here's a really good one. 

You'll  find it here:


VERY very patriotic, I'd say.


They don't call 'em fun bags for nuthin'




There are bars out there where pretty girls will serve you Coronas all night long, but you've never been in any of 'em yet and you know it...

Are you ready to get out and get going?

Here's a great bug-out bag for 
Get one for yourself here:

Patriotic, with a beer? Okay - count me in.



Series or no series, thank god she knows 
what team to root for.

In yer dreams, buddy... in yer dreams.


Cya hun.

Close it out with a lotta Luiza...

 I love new geeky kinda stuff like this - so much so that my wife throws out the catalogs at the post office when she gets the mail from our box.

Buy one and throw it in the glovebox just for the fuck of it.


Want to find something nice for your wife or girlfriend (or both)? 

My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:

1 comment:



I didn't know Napolean wanted to kill himself - did you?

  'Ere I saw Elba' - yeah, he never said it., but he mighta said 'Where's the fuckin' gun powder, Jacque'? Two pisto...