Friday, October 9, 2020

Nothing will ever make Nancy a happy Nancy, so why bother anymore even trying?

 Remember, of course, this is the piece of shit who ripped up her copy of the speech at the State of the Union last year... 

She is nothing more than a vicious, angry old cunt who pisses and moans when she doesn't get her way. If Trump had a dog, she'd be trying to kick it all day long. Miserable piece of shit.







A coronavirus outbreak has killed thousands of minks in Utah fur farms over a ten-day window beginning in late September, forcing cautionary quarantines at nine farms in the state.
The virus was likely transferred from workers to the animals, though there are no signs that the minks have infected any humans, according to Dr. Dean Taylor, the state veterinarian investigating the outbreak.
“We genuinely don’t feel like there is much of a risk going from the mink to the people.”  As many as 8,000 minks have perished during the outbreak. Fur from the dead infected minks is still used commercially. The pelts are processed to remove the virus before being used for coats or other clothing accessories.


So I hear the lady ask the clerk 'What kind of store is SASA LELE'? The clerk says 'I don't know m'am - I've never heard of it before' The lady is emphatic - says 'It's right next store! I left at that point so I didn't hear the rest of the conversation.

THIS was in the window of the store next store...

A Michigan municipal worker’s hand was sliced open when he tried to move a booby-trapped yard sign for President Trump. The worker in Oakland County, about 40 miles northwest of Detroit, tried to remove the campaign sign from the ground outside a home this week because it was illegally posted too close to a local road.
But the sign was lined with razor blades, which cut up the worker’s hand. “He actually thought it was electrified. Why would someone set a boobytrap sign to harm someone? Even money it wasn't a Trump supporter...

You know your neighbor at the campground's a major league redneck when this is his golf cart.

I got this from my wife for my birthday last year. 
This thing is ridiculous fuckin' cool to have.

 I just found it on Amazon. Here it is:

Black Lives Matter mobs protesting in Wisconsin over the decision not to charge a black cop for fatally shooting a gun-firing teen turned their rage on innocent homeowners — lobbing rocks through windows on a residential street.

Please tell me why this shit is tolerated - why aren't a couple hundred of 'em trying to make bail this morning?

Restauranteur Howard Johnson sampling cherry pies in his test kitchen following his custom to personally sample each new item added to menu in his restaurants. (August 1948)

Remind you of 2016?

Cruz bay Harbor on St. John - my old stomping grounds. I lived there for ten years back in the '90's. I miss it occasionally.

Maybe this is why we don't see many BLM protests here in the Villages. The ladies are ever-vigilant. Except when it comes to their stocking evidently...


This is the Indian giant squirrel - it's for real. Scientists don’t now for sure why this animal is so bright colored. They think it’s part of its camouflage. Crazy lookin' friggin' thing, ain't it? Imagine seein' one of those when you were trippin'?


 I love new geeky kinda stuff like this - so much so that my wife throws out the catalogs at the post office when she gets the mail from our box.

This is some seriously crazy shit - Imagine stumbling across this in your backyard. This Russian WWII helmet was found in a field by a Russian farmer - the helmet has a German Mortar round imbedded within the helmet.

This asshole who writes for the New York Slimes:

Yeah Paul - she's not nasty or vindictive. Not at all. Nope.



Get ready my friends up in Jersey - Murphy's gonna shut ya down again. 
This motherfucker could not care less about what he's done to your economy up there.


It may be last call for New Jersey’s “last great American roadhouse.”
The legendary Stanhope House in Stanhope — New Jersey’s premier blues club for decades before a change to more eclectic lineups in recent years — is on the brink of permanent closure due to lingering pandemic shutdown.
Thanks Murph - ya fuckin' dooshbag.


I think one of these days I'm gonna do a 'nothing but Calvin' post. I really forgot just how frikkin' brilliant this guy is/was...


This is not yer mother's Justice Department bubba. 
That's fuckin' hilarious if ya think about it...

This is a great little security item for 
your wife's car or your truck.

Especially these days with all this crazy shit going on and now with the BLM bullshit and the election and COVID and whateverthefuck  -  who knows what some crazy motherfucker might do to or near you. Why take chances?


There are a couple different sizes and strengths available here - 
find the one that's right for you:


I'll leave ya with this to ponder:



Louisiana priest, Rev Travis Clark was arrested for allegedly recording himself having sex with dominatrices, Mindy Dixon (bottom right), 41, and Melissa Cheng (top right), 23, on the altar of his church last month. 
The Catholic priest was reportedly caught in the act on September 30 by a passerby who noticed the lights in the Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church were on after hours. All three were arrested on obscenity charges because they were in view of the public. Clark was released from jail on a $25,000 bond. Cheng and Dixon posted bonds of $7,500. 
All three could face six months to three years in prison if convicted of obscenity.

Nancy Pelosi has launched a commission on Trump's 'capacity for office'. 
The Speaker looks to invoke 25th Amendment to remove the President over his post-covid erratic behavior - as he goes on Twitter rant calling HER crazy and accusing her of a 'coup' 


Ya really can't blame 'em. Who the fuck'd wanna work in that environment for that asshole?


This is Pluto compared to Australia. I thought you might need to know that at some point today. You're welcome.

Kayla Eubanks took to Twitter to share her annoyance with being removed from her Southwest flight to Chicago because of her halter top. She eventually got on the flight after the flight's captain loaned her one of his shirts (inset). In a statement, Southwest Airlines claimed that they promote a 'family-centric environment.' Eubanks was offered a refund for her troubles.

Everybody's gotta make a statement of some kind or another about just about anything these days.





This is one helluva tablet for under $ 149 bucks. 



  1. Just wondering here Joe. Why didn't the Taylor Pork Roll or ham ever make it on a Soprano's episode

  2. Pic of ladies: Not them that neglected their stockings, it was whomever colorized the photo.

  3. R.I.P. Whitey Ford. Another boyhood idol gone

  4. If you think that electoral map is real, ask yourself why Trump pulled all of his ads in IA and OH because his numbers there are so good. I'd say he can use that money to swing a few more states his way.

    NY? NJ? CA? OR?

    And actually, atheists do have to disprove the existence of God because, for theists, God is a matter of faith.

    1. My father, a devout catholic, didn't believe in God - he did do the Jesus thing though. It was very confusing...


Think Helene was bad? Well, here comes another one for us...

Meteorologists are tracking tropical storm Milton which could make landfall in regions still reeling from the devastation Hurricane Helene b...