Wednesday, October 7, 2020

I'm getting tired of the same old shit every day

 Can't we get some new shit?

(Asking for a friend...) 

Even the new shit's old. Doesn't make sense.

This popped up in my Facebook newsfeed/memories thing today. 
That's how I felt then, and nothing much has changed.

And then there was this. I don't want this Facebook thing to be an arbiter of social conscience. I just wanna see 8 billion more pictures of your grand-kids and your cats, and what you had for dinner last night.

This was on Showtime again last night. One of the few non-western or WWII movies I'll sit all the way through. She certainly never looked better.


Finally - somebody's starting to push back. 
Who'da thought it would be these guys though, huh?



Blogger has changed the template for building these blog posts to make it more 'mobile friendly'. I wish people would leave shit that works just fine as it is the fuck alone.
Yeah - and you try to craft a sentence better than that, bubba.


Do you have a dog that stinks? 
Here's a great way to handle that pain in the ass - click on this:




The Atlantic City Boardwalk in 1964. 
I colorized the original.

Ya know how they say it pays to go to college? Yeah, I guess it pays really fuckin' well to go back to college and stay there...



Playing in an empty stadium with cardboard cut-outs in the seats and piped-in crowd sounds. Fuckin' ridiculous.



This ad popped up on a page I was reading yesterday. These jerkoffs really think you'll believe just about anything, don't they? The guys who put these ads together must be the same guys that write the scripts for them scumbag robo-call people that bust my balls ten times a day...

Saturday Night has been Pizza Night since I was a kid, and I'm not gonna change that tradition any time soon. 
There's only one problem down here - the pizza here in Florida is just flat out really fuckin' terrible. I'm from NJ originally so that's my perspective anyway, so I make my own with dough that I buy at Publix markets. It's actually as good as any I ever got back home, so I wonder why the pies in the pizzerias around here is so fuckin' lame.

Anyway, you can make a good pie at home too. 
The first and most important trick is to have a really good pizza stone to bake the pie on. Then put your oven on as hot as you possibly can (not broil, dummy). Then - NEVER EVER clean the stone with water or anything else. That's the trick to seasoning the stone. Leave the shmutz on the stone - trust me.

Here's the stone I have :

You can get one for yourself here:

Rita Hayworth and Linda Darnell kiss Jerry Colonna at a party in the Trocadero, 1940. Two incredibly beautiful women and one really funny guy...

Seriously - I mean it - do these people all have degrees in theater 
to go along with their PhD's? Gimme a fuckin' break.

Mike Pence has agreed  to have a plexiglass barrier at the VP debate with Kamala Harris tonight after first saying it was unnecessary because he's tested negative and 'hasn't been exposed enough' to Trump. She's fuckin' dooshbag for insisting on it, don'tcha agree? 
Anyway, it should be fascinating. I may be out on the front lawn watching the weeds grow, so I don't know exactly how much of it I'll catch. If ya follow my drift.


We lived in a different world when I was a kid. No phones, no wifi, very little TV. Just us and our imaginations.

Coney Island, 1954. Another one I colored...

I had no idea who or what QAnon is or was, 
so I hadda google it. I'm still confused.

I'm tellin' ya - there was some serious subliminal shit going on in Archieland...

This is Claude Monet in his garden at Giverny in France in the summer of 1905. This may be the only picture of him in existence. And yes, it is colorized, but I didn't do this one. Whoever did did a helluva job, though, don'tcha think?

Joe Biden's Gettysburg Speech Was 25 Minutes Long, Didn't Mention Trump Once

He didn't bother to discuss any policy either. WTF is he actually gonna do when he's President? Joe? Hello?


Trump announces he has authorized the 'total' declassification of all documents related to Hillary's email scandal and the 'Russia hoax' after calling the FBI 'scum'


Why buy knock-offs when you can get 
the originals for almost the same price, right?

This is a great set. Mine is under my driver's seat in the truck. 
Find one like it for yourself here:



I'll leave ya with this:





1961 Chrysler Imperial.

Yes it is. Farrah Fawcett skateboarding. Wearing old school Nikes. Wearing bell bottoms.



These are very popular here in Florida.
Would it work for you?

See for yourself here:

 My wife makes these beautiful, 
one of a kind jewelry pieces. 

Every one is hand-made using only the finest materials, yet they're very reasonably priced. Isn't there someone you know who'd like something very special?

Her jewelry is now available on Etsy. 
It's really nice stuff and the prices include 

free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:


  1. "Blogger has changed the template for building these blog posts to make it more 'mobile friendly'. I wish people would leave shit that works just fine as it is the fuck alone. "

    Well, that explains why my Linux Mint/Brave/Blogger is broke now.

    See also: Linux Mint/Brave/Discus


    Back to FireFox...

  2. For a guy who doesn't give a flying fu(k about the average Working stiff, Trump does a great job of not showing it.

    PS Your colorizing has improved light years.

    1. Thanks Bud - is it Ed Utcher or something completely different...

  3. My Dad had a '59 Pontiac Catalina.....wonderful car....we drove from St. Pete to Westport Conn. that year....great trip....
