Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Drinkin' for Eddie 'cause he can't do it anymore...

Certainly one of the most innovative guitar slingers of our time - Eddie Van Halen's dead at the age of only 65. Let's all lift a glass and celebrate what he gave to us...  

Sit back, watch and listen.

The boy could shred, no bout adoubt it.

And here's the whole band, live in concert 
with Sammy up front.

I was lucky enough to see the original lineup back in the day at Madison Square Garden. I think I'm still having sleeping problems because of that.

Eddie and Valerie back in the day 
when she was still a cute little spinner...


Lift one with me - I'll be here...






I've said it before and I'll keep saying it - 
This is one helluva tablet for under 150 bucks. 

It a popular item with our readers, also - 
ya really can't knock it at this price...



Eddie and Lemmie - that'd be a 
dangerous pair to draw to...








Yeah - count me in on that party...

Eddie was a cutting edge guitar player.
This is a different kinda cutting edge.

You guys know I carry an 'Old Timer' Schrade pocket knife. It's my personal choice - doesn't have to be yours of course. My buddy Jay carries this model Buck knife, and I really don't mind showing it to you here. It's really kinda like exactly like mine but it's different. Ya follow?

See for yourself if this isn't something you might like. 
You can buy it here directly from Buck at a huge discount:






Believe it or not this is David Lee now.

Thanks for all the fun Eddie...


If you haven't yet checked out Prime music - now's the time. Right click on the banner and it'll open in a new tab so you can keep listening:

Eruption - album version.


  1. One of the articles I read about Van Halen said he was a classically trained pianist who didn’t read music. How is that even possible,or did I read it wrong? Anyway R.I.P. Mr Van Halen

    1. You read it wrong. The article said that he 'had a classically trained penis'. FYI...


What really happens with Presidential debates...

 To the best of my knowledge - and you'd probably agree -  no one has ever changed their minds about their  preferred candidate just bec...